Did Mars ever had life
At least in the form that we znakoma
The new analysis, conducted by the rover «Curiosity», showed that in the present atmosphere of Mars is very small amount of methane. Methane could be a sign of biological activity of Martian microbes - living organisms can secrete it into the atmosphere.
According to the new analysis, the concentration of methane in the Martian atmosphere is 1 to 3 billion. Thus, the chance that Mars currently live methane-producing organisms, is extremely small.
The data came from a special laser spectrometer designed to search for methane, and now the device is not found nothing remarkable. However, late last year, the results were the same.
Previous studies of methane on Mars, conducted with the use of ground-based and orbiting the Red Planet telescopes found more of this gas. Some analyzes have found different concentrations of methane in different places on the planet, or at different times of the year. In 2003, the year a team of researchers reported that they had observed methane plume in a different place - not where «Curiosity» conducted a recent analysis, but this study is considered to be controversial among astronomers.
However, there are organisms that do not emit methane, so maybe some life form on Mars is still there. The presence of even a small amount of methane means that a living thing on the planet is or ever was in the past. If the atmosphere of Mars does contain methane, the gas could occur due to the activity of living organisms, extinct organisms or geological (non-biological) processes in the planet itself. In addition, methane could get to Mars from space - say, from other planets.
via factroom.ru

The new analysis, conducted by the rover «Curiosity», showed that in the present atmosphere of Mars is very small amount of methane. Methane could be a sign of biological activity of Martian microbes - living organisms can secrete it into the atmosphere.

According to the new analysis, the concentration of methane in the Martian atmosphere is 1 to 3 billion. Thus, the chance that Mars currently live methane-producing organisms, is extremely small.
The data came from a special laser spectrometer designed to search for methane, and now the device is not found nothing remarkable. However, late last year, the results were the same.
Previous studies of methane on Mars, conducted with the use of ground-based and orbiting the Red Planet telescopes found more of this gas. Some analyzes have found different concentrations of methane in different places on the planet, or at different times of the year. In 2003, the year a team of researchers reported that they had observed methane plume in a different place - not where «Curiosity» conducted a recent analysis, but this study is considered to be controversial among astronomers.
However, there are organisms that do not emit methane, so maybe some life form on Mars is still there. The presence of even a small amount of methane means that a living thing on the planet is or ever was in the past. If the atmosphere of Mars does contain methane, the gas could occur due to the activity of living organisms, extinct organisms or geological (non-biological) processes in the planet itself. In addition, methane could get to Mars from space - say, from other planets.
via factroom.ru
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