Movies with intricate plots strain your brain
To train mental abilities recommend "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
Researchers believe that films with "hyperlinks" like movie "Love Actually," "Crash" or "Babel", in which several storylines run parallel to each other, but at the same time linked, requires considerable mental abilities. This is due to the need to monitor the rows of emotional relationships during playback.
Movies with "hyperlinks" reflect the patterns that can be seen in social networks, but because of the limited number of human brain storylines also have to be limited. It uses cinematic techniques such as memories, alternating scenes are not in chronological order, the division of the screen into multiple parts and multiple "layers" voice.
Psychologist Jamie Krems from Arizona State University finds that because of the development of human psychology people can not break through the cognitive "glass ceiling", which naturally limits our ability to deal with social relationships or understand the complex interpersonal dramas.
Studies have shown that the majority of people in a social group can be about 150 friends and acquaintances. This group, in turn, is divided into four or five people from the constant "support group" 12-15 people a "sympathizing group" 30-50 "like-minded", while others remain just friends.
Dr. Krems, analyzing several films with a nonlinear storyline, found that on average, these films contain 31, 4 character that is assigned to the central plot, which is close to the number of people in a social group in modern society. A melodrama, is designed primarily for a female audience, contain about 20 main characters, which also reflects the amount of emotional ties the majority of women in real life.
Krems believes that when movies try to copy reality, but at the same time include the story too many characters and storylines, they are often doomed to failure. This inability to keep track of a large number of relationships means that, despite all the social networks and they offer tools for creating large social groups, the human brain is not yet developed enough to effectively deal with it - our consciousness simply does not take more than a dozen similar conversations at once .
via factroom.ru
Researchers believe that films with "hyperlinks" like movie "Love Actually," "Crash" or "Babel", in which several storylines run parallel to each other, but at the same time linked, requires considerable mental abilities. This is due to the need to monitor the rows of emotional relationships during playback.
Movies with "hyperlinks" reflect the patterns that can be seen in social networks, but because of the limited number of human brain storylines also have to be limited. It uses cinematic techniques such as memories, alternating scenes are not in chronological order, the division of the screen into multiple parts and multiple "layers" voice.
Psychologist Jamie Krems from Arizona State University finds that because of the development of human psychology people can not break through the cognitive "glass ceiling", which naturally limits our ability to deal with social relationships or understand the complex interpersonal dramas.
Studies have shown that the majority of people in a social group can be about 150 friends and acquaintances. This group, in turn, is divided into four or five people from the constant "support group" 12-15 people a "sympathizing group" 30-50 "like-minded", while others remain just friends.
Dr. Krems, analyzing several films with a nonlinear storyline, found that on average, these films contain 31, 4 character that is assigned to the central plot, which is close to the number of people in a social group in modern society. A melodrama, is designed primarily for a female audience, contain about 20 main characters, which also reflects the amount of emotional ties the majority of women in real life.
Krems believes that when movies try to copy reality, but at the same time include the story too many characters and storylines, they are often doomed to failure. This inability to keep track of a large number of relationships means that, despite all the social networks and they offer tools for creating large social groups, the human brain is not yet developed enough to effectively deal with it - our consciousness simply does not take more than a dozen similar conversations at once .
via factroom.ru
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