Surrounded by friends attractive person looks prettier than 2%
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Recent research scientists have revealed an interesting fact: if people want to find a soul mate, it is better not to do this alone, and with friends. The fact is that in an environment of attractive friends, even people with unremarkable faces look better. According to psychologist Drew Walker, this effect arises from the averaging and smoothing is not the most attractive features of the exterior.
Drew Walker, along with Dr. Edward Vul and other colleagues at the University of California have developed a methodology to assess the attractiveness of a man when he is in the company of friends of your sex.
The experiment involved 130 student volunteers. The researchers showed subjects pictures of people of the opposite sex and asked to describe them in terms of attractiveness. On some pictures depict people were alone, and the other is a group shots. It was found that both men and women, surrounded by friends and girlfriends, respectively, looked more beautiful than on the individual photos.
Of course, this does not mean that the company cute friends any immediately becomes the standard of beauty - the average overall pictures turned out to be only 2% more attractive than a single, but it still makes it safe to assume that the company's chances of success with the opposite sex slightly higher.
Interestingly, a similar effect was observed even when the volunteers showed a collage made up of several persons.
"The stronger the faces of friends are different, the more evident the phenomenon of anti-aliasing features of appearance: for example, if one of the two buddies small eyes, and the other, on the contrary, enormous, together they look nice, but when everyone in the company of small eyes, such an effect there is no "- summed up Dr. Vul.
via factroom.ru

Recent research scientists have revealed an interesting fact: if people want to find a soul mate, it is better not to do this alone, and with friends. The fact is that in an environment of attractive friends, even people with unremarkable faces look better. According to psychologist Drew Walker, this effect arises from the averaging and smoothing is not the most attractive features of the exterior.
Drew Walker, along with Dr. Edward Vul and other colleagues at the University of California have developed a methodology to assess the attractiveness of a man when he is in the company of friends of your sex.
The experiment involved 130 student volunteers. The researchers showed subjects pictures of people of the opposite sex and asked to describe them in terms of attractiveness. On some pictures depict people were alone, and the other is a group shots. It was found that both men and women, surrounded by friends and girlfriends, respectively, looked more beautiful than on the individual photos.
Of course, this does not mean that the company cute friends any immediately becomes the standard of beauty - the average overall pictures turned out to be only 2% more attractive than a single, but it still makes it safe to assume that the company's chances of success with the opposite sex slightly higher.
Interestingly, a similar effect was observed even when the volunteers showed a collage made up of several persons.
"The stronger the faces of friends are different, the more evident the phenomenon of anti-aliasing features of appearance: for example, if one of the two buddies small eyes, and the other, on the contrary, enormous, together they look nice, but when everyone in the company of small eyes, such an effect there is no "- summed up Dr. Vul.
via factroom.ru
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