In the Siberian Reserve has a toilet mounted on a rock at an altitude of 2,600 meters
For extreme mocheispuskaniya
The most extreme toilet in the world is located in Siberia at an altitude of 2,600 meters above sea level. Terrible does not just his height - bathroom is located on the edge of a cliff and looks pretty unreliable. Honestly, it looks as if the fall immediately if it tries to use a fairly heavy person.
Use this toilet only five people - employees distant weather station at the pass Karaturek, which translates from the local language as "black heart". Karaturek located in the Altai Mountains, and the weather station works with 1939 and have five people working there there is only one toilet - this.
Once a month they are visited by the postman to collect weather data. Helicopter delivers food, water and firewood once a year. According to the staff, it takes years of practice to use the toilet without fear.
via factroom.ru

The most extreme toilet in the world is located in Siberia at an altitude of 2,600 meters above sea level. Terrible does not just his height - bathroom is located on the edge of a cliff and looks pretty unreliable. Honestly, it looks as if the fall immediately if it tries to use a fairly heavy person.
Use this toilet only five people - employees distant weather station at the pass Karaturek, which translates from the local language as "black heart". Karaturek located in the Altai Mountains, and the weather station works with 1939 and have five people working there there is only one toilet - this.
Once a month they are visited by the postman to collect weather data. Helicopter delivers food, water and firewood once a year. According to the staff, it takes years of practice to use the toilet without fear.
via factroom.ru
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