Christopher Walken interchanges commas in each scenario
War with punktuatsiey
Christopher Walken hates the existing rules of punctuation. This does not mean that he does not like to use punctuation marks, he just prefers to put them where he thought they should be, and then use your own taste. Walken as though born with an aversion to punctuation. In school, he attacked his textbook "magic marker" by getting rid of all the commas, periods, apostrophes and exclamation marks, placing his own, where he wanted to.
Similarly actor enters any scenario that gets. His destruction of punctuation makes him a great favor, and has become an indispensable technique. The idea is to get rid of all that prevents him providing completely original reading of the text.
But when Walken says in his firm tone, "You have set me in a vendetta, you say to the angels in heaven, they had never seen such pure evil incarnate in one man!" - Are you ready to believe him.
via factroom.ru

Christopher Walken hates the existing rules of punctuation. This does not mean that he does not like to use punctuation marks, he just prefers to put them where he thought they should be, and then use your own taste. Walken as though born with an aversion to punctuation. In school, he attacked his textbook "magic marker" by getting rid of all the commas, periods, apostrophes and exclamation marks, placing his own, where he wanted to.
Similarly actor enters any scenario that gets. His destruction of punctuation makes him a great favor, and has become an indispensable technique. The idea is to get rid of all that prevents him providing completely original reading of the text.
But when Walken says in his firm tone, "You have set me in a vendetta, you say to the angels in heaven, they had never seen such pure evil incarnate in one man!" - Are you ready to believe him.
via factroom.ru
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