Internet users are affected by the unrealistic standards of beauty

A recent study conducted in the University of St Andrews in Scotland, found that people who have access to the almighty Internet, tend to believe the brave men and slim women more attractive.
Scientists have conducted their research in El Salvador, where 74% (out of 6, 297 million people) have no access to the Internet. Participants had to choose between images and people with a lot less weight and high or low masculinity and femininity. While priobschёnnye internet participants are more attractive hardworking guys and skinny girls, the rest tended to be "feminine men and women full».
Lead researcher Carlota Batres points to a number of socio-economic reasons for this difference, but points out that the media regulate standards of beauty:
«One possible reason for this difference is the effect of the media: people with Internet access are more prone to the influence of the media (through advertising and websites) that promote the brave men and slim women as the ideal of beauty».
blockquote> Another researcher, David Perrett appealed to the "hardness" of the environment and its role in the perception of attractiveness:
«When incomes and access to food is limited, overweight women may be better equipped to survive and reproduce, and therefore prefer larger women adapt to the situation. Our findings are consistent with previous studies that found that the heavier figures are considered more attractive in poor and rural areas ».
blockquote> In spite of the possibilities of the Internet for the presentation and adoption of realistic types of figures are stored as an ideal increasingly unrealistic standards of beauty. This is detrimental for both men and women.