"After he defines a goal, he observes and collects data. And still asks, okay, and I will answer this question? And again, in this conversation, in this man, in this situation, it allows me to collect the data, which I can then use to verify my hypothesis is true or not?
Then Holmes does the same thing probably makes any great scientist. He takes a step back and re-looking at the data, distributes them, considering various opportunities to be creative, finally. Everything then to see, do not miss you something. The mind is still open? I conceive an open mind? I still know what's going on? Or the data - a reason to come up with new ideas? New Approaches? Just think about those things, is not taken into account before me? »
blockquote> Writer Scott Berkan has shared its own set of questions for critical thinking:
"What is a counter? Anyone who is seriously studying the issue, seen enough evidence to compare them with the argument put forward, to look at the problem from another angle, and - wonder. There are some useful questions: who, except you share this view? What are the key problems and what you need to address them? What needs to change to your opinion was the opposite? »
blockquote> Of course, this is similar to the Socratic method: a number of questions will help you understand what you think about the quality of the argument or opinion. Regardless of the approach, the ultimate goal - to learn how to think critically and analyze everything. Always ask yourself why the item, thought or argument are important and how they fit with what you already know. When you ask questions, you train your brain to find the connection between ideas and opinions. And critical of the additional information that you're bound to encounter.
3. Follow-phrases usileniyami
He is learning to think critically not just the brain. This also applies to the ears: you should notice small and imperceptible words and phrases that you need to be a signal of alarm. Yes, it is impossible to pay attention to everything at once, but there are a few phrases to help the weak arguments sound significantly. This phrase-gain, and everything that will be discussed after them, should think carefully:
"Be careful. People like to listen to what they already know. And when you're talking about something new, they are uncomfortable. New ideas ... Well, new ideas - this is not what they expect. They are, for example, want to know that dog bites man. Dogs usually do. But they do not want to know what a man bites a dog, because in the world there should be no such thing. In general, people think that they want the new, but in fact they need the old. Not news, but ordinary - they will confirm to people that truly exactly what they already know ».
blockquote> to think critically - means to fight with their prejudices as often as possible. It's hard, but if you throughout the day from time to time to think about the ideas which fundamentally do not agree, you train your brain to do it more often.
5. Practice whenever you can only
If you want to learn something, you need to practice every day. This applies to all, including critical thinking. Of course, a lot you can do in your own head, but there are other exercises.
One of the easiest ways to learn - is to keep a diary. It may be a record of daily observations or notebook with ideas, but the point is to write to every day.
Once accustomed, start a blog on the Internet - is a great way to find out the opinions of other people and challenge yourself, because not everyone will agree with you. It is also an excellent practice - discussions with friends.
It's not all that can be said about critical thinking. The more you develop this skill, the better you will get. At first, you have to constantly keep track of what direction to take your thoughts, but as a result of your brain will learn to automatically find the best arguments to invent interesting and useful ideas and creative approach to problem solving.
via factroom.ru