25+ evidence that Children - flowers of life :)
As the proverb says, a small child does not get bored, do not sit back and ... I do not sleep enough. But unattended child finds a really creative activity - such as artistic smearing porridge on the table, or design services to create a new and brighter interior of the apartment or house.
To each his task they come with all the heart, and put them all their children's vision of beauty.
To each his task they come with all the heart, and put them all their children's vision of beauty.
- Are you sure this will work?
- Yes, I'll answer! They just love it!
It looks like five minutes tishiny.
You can be as much as brutal, but my daughter will you paint nogti.
Or it tebe.
Muse, which will not leave ... even if you do really want
obnimashki with skolzskoy fish! What could be better?!
Battery charging ...
defenseless children can be great rescuers in the shower ...
5 seconds to belt ... 36,547,690
Sorry, the ancestors came back early, I pozvonyu.
Do you love me? I love you! We love each other? I think yes!
"Cake Do not touch" - setting vypolnena.
And then Barsik realized that "Life is short and art is long"
He departed, but he promised to return ...
Friends Forever saying - done!
cartoon was zdorovsky! Especially liked the pope!
And then we looked at it with bead ...
I'm a little bit soiled ... I can still walk?
Someone came and poured all the while I was sleeping. Honestly honest!
Well, do not worry. Do you want me to them in sneakers Nass?
Hide and Seek. Gene, cover menya.
So you're a die-by-jam ...
growing makeup with bold resheniyami.
I love you, obedient dog!
The stylist gave me a new hairstyle - the most fashionable in this year!
Here is bezyskhodnost.
And I said to him once - in strawberries have to invest!
The beauty will save the world. I'm on vacation. Wriggle yourself!
The city goes to sleep, wakes mafiya.