In China, a new service - Test Prenatal Suffering for yourself!
Men provide an opportunity to feel the pain that women experience during childbirth. The campaign aims to support motherhood and performed for free. But to pass such a test to the end can not all representatives of the stronger sex.
http://www.1tv.ru/i_newsvideo/275841 video>
Men provide an opportunity to feel the pain that women experience during childbirth. The campaign aims to support motherhood and performed for free. But to pass such a test to the end can not all representatives of the stronger sex.
Soon Zhang wife become parents. The closer an important event - the more excitement. To understand what to go to his wife, the husband decided to literally feel the labor pains.
The test for the strong spirit. Sensors attached to the stomach, which transmit electrical impulses. First, the person feels a slight tingling. With every minute the doctor increases the tension. On the last - 12th level - the pain is already comparable to the strongest birth pangs. The wife looks with a smile on rapidly drained the husband - he is no longer a laughing matter. And though he is for the whole experiment did not say a word, perspiration on his forehead speaks for itself.
"Words can not describe it, it's just torture. Now I know, the birth of a child - it's so hard! So we need to take better care of our beloved wives ", - says the future father Zhang Honglin.
"My husband and I have now become closer to each other. And that in fact men do not understand that this birth. They think that it is all very natural and simple, but it is not so! "- Says the future mother of Zhang Shui.
Fortunately the test, the experiment can be terminated at any time. Few people manage to survive for longer than 5 seconds. But the real battle is not stopped - mothers suffer a lot of pain for hours.
"I could not imagine that it's a pain, the pain of hell! As if something breaks inside! Poor women, they need to be on hand to wear after such tests, "- says Liu Yang.
From men who want to feel a little bit pregnant, there is no release. Rodd not accommodate all the volunteers - the action is carried out in shopping malls. For many, it was a revelation - at a woman's business need only a fair share of courage. Someone suffers, his teeth. Someone can not sit still. And someone did, and just begs for mercy.
"We are still in some families, husbands are not allowed to be present at birth, it is believed that it is strictly for women. But giving birth in these moments especially need support! And experience for yourself, men will no longer be indifferent, "- said the director of the hospital, the author of the experiment Jixin.
Women participate in the experiment are not prohibited. However, voluntarily decided to go through labor pains ahead of time is very small. Those who still dare, now know what to prepare.
But men seem to forget these feelings long time.
http://www.1tv.ru/i_newsvideo/275841 video>
Men provide an opportunity to feel the pain that women experience during childbirth. The campaign aims to support motherhood and performed for free. But to pass such a test to the end can not all representatives of the stronger sex.
Soon Zhang wife become parents. The closer an important event - the more excitement. To understand what to go to his wife, the husband decided to literally feel the labor pains.
The test for the strong spirit. Sensors attached to the stomach, which transmit electrical impulses. First, the person feels a slight tingling. With every minute the doctor increases the tension. On the last - 12th level - the pain is already comparable to the strongest birth pangs. The wife looks with a smile on rapidly drained the husband - he is no longer a laughing matter. And though he is for the whole experiment did not say a word, perspiration on his forehead speaks for itself.
"Words can not describe it, it's just torture. Now I know, the birth of a child - it's so hard! So we need to take better care of our beloved wives ", - says the future father Zhang Honglin.
"My husband and I have now become closer to each other. And that in fact men do not understand that this birth. They think that it is all very natural and simple, but it is not so! "- Says the future mother of Zhang Shui.
Fortunately the test, the experiment can be terminated at any time. Few people manage to survive for longer than 5 seconds. But the real battle is not stopped - mothers suffer a lot of pain for hours.
"I could not imagine that it's a pain, the pain of hell! As if something breaks inside! Poor women, they need to be on hand to wear after such tests, "- says Liu Yang.
From men who want to feel a little bit pregnant, there is no release. Rodd not accommodate all the volunteers - the action is carried out in shopping malls. For many, it was a revelation - at a woman's business need only a fair share of courage. Someone suffers, his teeth. Someone can not sit still. And someone did, and just begs for mercy.
"We are still in some families, husbands are not allowed to be present at birth, it is believed that it is strictly for women. But giving birth in these moments especially need support! And experience for yourself, men will no longer be indifferent, "- said the director of the hospital, the author of the experiment Jixin.
Women participate in the experiment are not prohibited. However, voluntarily decided to go through labor pains ahead of time is very small. Those who still dare, now know what to prepare.
But men seem to forget these feelings long time.
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