In just two minutes, this miracle can be made from any glass bottle!
A simple guide to help you create from a conventional glass bottle new item utensils. Glass, vase, glass peplnitsa, candle - room for imagination opens wide. And most importantly, make it easy and fun. Let's start!
To make this interesting thing, you need:
To make this interesting thing, you need:
- cord from 100% cotton
- the liquid for refilling lighters
- one or more bottles of thick glass
- nazhdachka
Immerse part of the rope, which covers the bottle, in lighter fluid.
Insert the bottle back into the loop and hold it horizontally. Light cord or allow flames burned evenly throughout the length of the rope.
Now you just need to put the bottle under cold water. It is divided evenly into two parts.
Using sandpaper gently smooth things over the edge.
What beautiful glasses turned out!
Such an interesting glassware grace any table. One can thus make a vase. Experiment, I'm sure you can come up with something interesting! Tell your friends about this wonderful experience.
via takprosto cc
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