Give me a chance folk medicine! Thanks to these beverages gallstones easily soluble.
According to statistics, one out of ten people have gallstones. It is a very insidious disease that can sneak up very quietly. Stones come in different sizes and origins. Doctors, on the basis of test results, prescribe the appropriate treatment. And to traditional medicine are also advised to connect folk. An effective method of dissolving gallstones is to consume drinks from fruits and vegetables. < Takprosto.cc I have collected useful recipes for drinks that will help to significantly improve the state of your health.
But the recipes themselves:
1. Drink the juice of sour
It is useful to drink patients with cholelithiasis acidic juices, such as cranberry. Rinse cranberries, handing her a spoon and squeeze the juice. The remaining pomace zaley water and boil for 7 minutes over medium heat. Then add broth cranberry juice and sugar. You can replace sugar with honey.
2. Vegetable drink
Clean and wash the carrots, cucumber and beet. Then sodium them on a fine grater. Strain the juice. Drink twice a day for two weeks.
3. Drinks lemon juice
Drink several times a day, the juice of one lemon, diluted with half a glass of hot water. Another recipe: Mix 30 ml of fresh lemon juice, 30 ml of olive oil and minced garlic 5 grams and drink this mixture every morning on an empty stomach at least a month.
4. Drink with turmeric
Pour warm water 1 teaspoon of turmeric mixed with honey. Drink this drink every day on an empty stomach.
5. Drink with Epsom salts
Epsom salt - a natural mineral which is extracted from sea water. It is also called magnesium sulfate. Its advantages are not only beneficial properties, but also low price. A solution of 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts in the drinking water at room temperature. Drink this drink you need for the night.
6. Drink with citrus juice
Citrus fruits contain pectin, which effectively dissolves gallstones. Mix a little bit of orange juice, grapefruit and lemon (each 100 g) and dissolve half a glass of warm water.
7. Drink apple
Add a glass of apple juice a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Drink once a day after meal. After 40 minutes, take a warm bath. Another recipe: Squeeze the juice from apples and beets. Add to it 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice.
Along with these drinks is recommended to drink plenty of clean water. Also, do not forget to adhere to the advice of doctors and diet. Then these healthy drinks you really help.
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But the recipes themselves:
1. Drink the juice of sour
It is useful to drink patients with cholelithiasis acidic juices, such as cranberry. Rinse cranberries, handing her a spoon and squeeze the juice. The remaining pomace zaley water and boil for 7 minutes over medium heat. Then add broth cranberry juice and sugar. You can replace sugar with honey.
2. Vegetable drink
Clean and wash the carrots, cucumber and beet. Then sodium them on a fine grater. Strain the juice. Drink twice a day for two weeks.
3. Drinks lemon juice
Drink several times a day, the juice of one lemon, diluted with half a glass of hot water. Another recipe: Mix 30 ml of fresh lemon juice, 30 ml of olive oil and minced garlic 5 grams and drink this mixture every morning on an empty stomach at least a month.
4. Drink with turmeric
Pour warm water 1 teaspoon of turmeric mixed with honey. Drink this drink every day on an empty stomach.
5. Drink with Epsom salts
Epsom salt - a natural mineral which is extracted from sea water. It is also called magnesium sulfate. Its advantages are not only beneficial properties, but also low price. A solution of 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts in the drinking water at room temperature. Drink this drink you need for the night.
6. Drink with citrus juice
Citrus fruits contain pectin, which effectively dissolves gallstones. Mix a little bit of orange juice, grapefruit and lemon (each 100 g) and dissolve half a glass of warm water.
7. Drink apple
Add a glass of apple juice a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Drink once a day after meal. After 40 minutes, take a warm bath. Another recipe: Squeeze the juice from apples and beets. Add to it 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice.
Along with these drinks is recommended to drink plenty of clean water. Also, do not forget to adhere to the advice of doctors and diet. Then these healthy drinks you really help.
Share this article with your friends for drinks, which help dissolve gallstones.
via takprosto cc
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