8 fashionable tie and shirt combinations, should be aware of a gentleman!
Every man who wants him to pay attention to the fair sex, should look good. Optional wear very expensive clothes from the latest fashion shows, quite neat, clean clothes and stroked make you look great. Learning how to combine a shirt and tie should be every man who wishes to be considered a gentleman. We suggest you pay attention to these eight combinations that will be a real hit in the bull's eye.
1. The main rule is the combination of shirt and tie: the latter should always be darker than the shirt. If you're going to stick to this rule, in your way will be a 50% success rate.
2. striped shirt goes well with striped, dark tie. You will look simply irresistible, wearing dark trousers or jeans.
3. If your wardrobe is not checkered tie, we would always recommend to buy. After a tie can be worn with a light shirt and dark bottom.
4. The shirt collar with rounded edges does not fit all. Try to try on a light shirt with a collar and tie with an unusual pattern, and your opinion will change.
5. Elegant tie combined with plaid shirt. So you look both elegant and sexy.
6. shirts of bright colors are not suitable for all men. But if you love to put them on, then pick them up at the dark dress, classic tie.
7. Tie in a small peas go well with simple, self-colored shirts. If you wear a dark suit to this combination, you get a lot of compliments from the ladies.
8. Pick up a gray shirt tie fiery colors: red, orange or yellow.
Unbuttoned sleeves, weakened tie, dark jeans - it's street style. In it you will feel at ease and confident.
Combine shirt and tie correctly and you look unbeatable.
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1. The main rule is the combination of shirt and tie: the latter should always be darker than the shirt. If you're going to stick to this rule, in your way will be a 50% success rate.
2. striped shirt goes well with striped, dark tie. You will look simply irresistible, wearing dark trousers or jeans.
3. If your wardrobe is not checkered tie, we would always recommend to buy. After a tie can be worn with a light shirt and dark bottom.
4. The shirt collar with rounded edges does not fit all. Try to try on a light shirt with a collar and tie with an unusual pattern, and your opinion will change.
5. Elegant tie combined with plaid shirt. So you look both elegant and sexy.
6. shirts of bright colors are not suitable for all men. But if you love to put them on, then pick them up at the dark dress, classic tie.
7. Tie in a small peas go well with simple, self-colored shirts. If you wear a dark suit to this combination, you get a lot of compliments from the ladies.
8. Pick up a gray shirt tie fiery colors: red, orange or yellow.
Unbuttoned sleeves, weakened tie, dark jeans - it's street style. In it you will feel at ease and confident.
Combine shirt and tie correctly and you look unbeatable.
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