This medicine is made from only three ingredients, but it will significantly strengthen your health!
The drug, which .cc has prepared for you today, was invented in Germany. This drink consists of garlic, lemon, ginger and water. The combination of 3 simple products is very positive impact on the health and overall health. But most importantly - this drink can cure hardening of the arteries, reduce blood cholesterol, cure the common cold. Also, this drug eliminates fatigue and is a good prevention of infectious diseases. It strengthens the immune system and helps the liver to cleanse the body.
To make this health elixir you need:
4 large garlic cloves; 4 lemon with peel; little ginger root; 2 liters of clean water. li > Preparation:
1. Wash lemons and we shall cut them into small pieces. Peel the garlic and lemon with ginger and grind in a blender.
2. Place the mixture into a metal container and zaley two liters of water.
3. Put the container on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring it constantly.
4. Leave the drink to cool down, and then strain it through a sieve and pour into a glass bottle.
Drink this medicine you need every day for at least 2 hours before meals or on an empty stomach.
Do not worry about the smell of garlic, because the lemon neutralizes it. Make yourself a drink to promote health and effectively cleanse the body!
via takprosto cc

To make this health elixir you need:
4 large garlic cloves; 4 lemon with peel; little ginger root; 2 liters of clean water. li > Preparation:
1. Wash lemons and we shall cut them into small pieces. Peel the garlic and lemon with ginger and grind in a blender.
2. Place the mixture into a metal container and zaley two liters of water.
3. Put the container on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring it constantly.
4. Leave the drink to cool down, and then strain it through a sieve and pour into a glass bottle.
Drink this medicine you need every day for at least 2 hours before meals or on an empty stomach.
Do not worry about the smell of garlic, because the lemon neutralizes it. Make yourself a drink to promote health and effectively cleanse the body!
via takprosto cc
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