10 habits that lead inexorably to the old age. It is not permissible!
Scientists have not yet come up with tablets that help keep youth and beauty of the body, so people continue to struggle with old age as best he can. Some people make costly Botox injections or plastic, others did it let things drift, citing laziness that vsë still aging is inevitable. While scientists of all countries seeking the elixir of youth, let's get a better look at why our bodies inexorably aging.
1. Sleep lasts less than 5 hours per day
If you refuse to full sleep, it leads to dark circles and bags under the eyes, and shortens life expectancy. Sleep is necessary for 7-8 hours a day. If you do not have time to sleep - lie ahead. Lack of sleep is manifested in the lack of energy during the day, slowing down the thinking process, deterioration of attention and weight gain.
2. The day passes in a sitting position
Risk of a sedentary lifestyle is known, perhaps, to everyone: people who spend most of the day in the chair at risk of kidney disease, cardiovascular and cancer, not to mention obesity. Move as much as possible, the movement - this is life!
3. Disclaimer sunscreens
One of the first causes of premature aging - ultraviolet light, which is present in the sun and in cloudy weather. Protect your skin with special means every time you go out on the street. Choose an SPF of 30 to 50 per day.
4. Smoking
Tobacco smoke has the same effect on the skin, as well as ultraviolet rays: the formation of free radicals and activates the enzymes that destroy cell structure and lead to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.
5. Alcohol
Harmful effects of alcohol affects all systems of the human body (the nervous, circulatory, digestive). Currently proved harmful role of alcohol in the development of acute and chronic diseases.
7. Stress
Stress probably affects the body worse than vsë above. Remember the saying "All illnesses - from nerves"? Remain calm and positive attitude in all situations and it will help you maintain health and youth.
8. The apartment is too warm
In the winter and want to the apartment was warmer. However, increasing the temperature in the house, remember that the heat removes moisture from the air. This contributes to dryness and inflammation of the skin that over time it ages. And dry skin itching and cracking. Use a humidifier or hang a wet towel on the battery (in the room put a container of water), which will evaporate the moisture.
9. Lack of vitamins
Vitamins and minerals that are found in fruits and vegetables, maintain skin elasticity, prevent wrinkles, cleanse the body from decay products, promote weight loss, prolong youth.
10. Harmful food
Harmful food is considered to be one of the main enemies of youth and beauty. A vsë the fact that we eat something every day, so the choice of the diet should be treated very carefully. We think it is not necessary to write about the dangers of chips, semi-finished and fries. Just watch your diet. This will help you stay young and healthy for years to come.
Of course, the reasons for which the body is aging much more. This environment, heredity and disease. But most importantly, we all need - a life in peace and love, forgiveness and understanding. Tell us about this article to your friends, and maybe you will have a chance to celebrate the 100th anniversary in a fun and friendly company!
via takprosto cc

1. Sleep lasts less than 5 hours per day
If you refuse to full sleep, it leads to dark circles and bags under the eyes, and shortens life expectancy. Sleep is necessary for 7-8 hours a day. If you do not have time to sleep - lie ahead. Lack of sleep is manifested in the lack of energy during the day, slowing down the thinking process, deterioration of attention and weight gain.
2. The day passes in a sitting position
Risk of a sedentary lifestyle is known, perhaps, to everyone: people who spend most of the day in the chair at risk of kidney disease, cardiovascular and cancer, not to mention obesity. Move as much as possible, the movement - this is life!
3. Disclaimer sunscreens
One of the first causes of premature aging - ultraviolet light, which is present in the sun and in cloudy weather. Protect your skin with special means every time you go out on the street. Choose an SPF of 30 to 50 per day.
4. Smoking
Tobacco smoke has the same effect on the skin, as well as ultraviolet rays: the formation of free radicals and activates the enzymes that destroy cell structure and lead to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.
5. Alcohol
Harmful effects of alcohol affects all systems of the human body (the nervous, circulatory, digestive). Currently proved harmful role of alcohol in the development of acute and chronic diseases.
7. Stress
Stress probably affects the body worse than vsë above. Remember the saying "All illnesses - from nerves"? Remain calm and positive attitude in all situations and it will help you maintain health and youth.

8. The apartment is too warm
In the winter and want to the apartment was warmer. However, increasing the temperature in the house, remember that the heat removes moisture from the air. This contributes to dryness and inflammation of the skin that over time it ages. And dry skin itching and cracking. Use a humidifier or hang a wet towel on the battery (in the room put a container of water), which will evaporate the moisture.
9. Lack of vitamins
Vitamins and minerals that are found in fruits and vegetables, maintain skin elasticity, prevent wrinkles, cleanse the body from decay products, promote weight loss, prolong youth.
10. Harmful food
Harmful food is considered to be one of the main enemies of youth and beauty. A vsë the fact that we eat something every day, so the choice of the diet should be treated very carefully. We think it is not necessary to write about the dangers of chips, semi-finished and fries. Just watch your diet. This will help you stay young and healthy for years to come.

Of course, the reasons for which the body is aging much more. This environment, heredity and disease. But most importantly, we all need - a life in peace and love, forgiveness and understanding. Tell us about this article to your friends, and maybe you will have a chance to celebrate the 100th anniversary in a fun and friendly company!
via takprosto cc
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