He photographed landscapes of New Zealand for 3 months. Result - unforgettable!
"Exceptional New Zealand" - the first joint art project of the photographer and traveler Shaun Ryder, as well as a musician and a writer for Kirsi rentier "Mission unity." The main goal of the movement - to give love and beauty through art: through visual effects and music.
Creative project "Exceptional New Zealand" consists of 8640 images that were selected from 100 thousand photographs taken during the three-month journey Shaun Ryder of New Zealand. This unforgettable trip brought him a sea of emotions and inspiration for this magic work. Inspiring Music Sean Paul, accompanied by the philosophical lines of poetry Kirsi Ranta. All this is a great addition to the unique nature of the exclusive pictures of New Zealand.
//player.vimeo.com/video/72672337?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Проявление beauty and harmony can be found in everything, just someone who observes stars in the puddles, and somebody - mud and swamp. Share this amazing work of a talented photographer art lovers.
Creative project "Exceptional New Zealand" consists of 8640 images that were selected from 100 thousand photographs taken during the three-month journey Shaun Ryder of New Zealand. This unforgettable trip brought him a sea of emotions and inspiration for this magic work. Inspiring Music Sean Paul, accompanied by the philosophical lines of poetry Kirsi Ranta. All this is a great addition to the unique nature of the exclusive pictures of New Zealand.
//player.vimeo.com/video/72672337?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Проявление beauty and harmony can be found in everything, just someone who observes stars in the puddles, and somebody - mud and swamp. Share this amazing work of a talented photographer art lovers.
I dreamed of a fairytale wedding? Disney will transform your wedding cake into a magical work of art.
The dramatic scene in the natural world: a lion attacked the buffalo calf, but he was unlucky.