Top 19 best dads in the world. For them, fatherhood - is not an obligation, and entertainment!

Fatherhood - this is not an easy task, especially for beginners. If you want to become a father, you have almost every step to show resourcefulness and creativity. These dad - just great! They found a common language with their kids and pass an examination for paternity on 5+. It is unlikely that someone will be able to make such a super-fathers competition, because for them to be a dad - it's not an obligation, but a real hobby. Watch and learn!

She wanted to wear a suit of a wolf, and he could do nothing as Little Red Riding Hood costume to wear.

Photo: Melty Buzz

While dad plays video games, his daughter gives him a pedicure.

Photo: Imgur

This Daddy gave a tea party with her little daughter.

Photo: Imgur

Father gives children a good example!

Photo: Imgur

After a busy day this pope does not forget about your main job!

Photo: Imgur

My father decided to share a meal with his daughter. It turned out fun! B>

Photo: Imgur

The Pope teaches the baby to ride a surfboard.

Photo: Surfline

This Daddy will make any sacrifice for the sake of his princess ...

Photo: Reddit

Sometimes it is possible and transform into a sofa for his little daughter.

Photo: Imgur

Just Mom had the imprudence to leave the baby with my dad ...

Photo: Imgur

He would not give up the services of a professional makeup artist.

Photo: ArmStar

Apple from the tree ...

Photo: Pinterest

Why would you buy an expensive trainer, if you have three kids?

Photo: Imgur

Dad teaches his daughter an important life lesson.

Photo: Imgur

Sleeping Dad - a great place to play.

Photo: The Winthrop Chronicles

kids do not even realize that their joysticks disabled.

Photo: Cheez Burger

She just wanted to mess cart in store ...

Photo: Unknown

Mother told the children to remain in their beds ...

Photo: Imgur

From Daddy can get the softest chair in the world.

Photo: Imgur

These daddy - the dream of every child! Here's how to approach the creative parenting, then this is the most responsible in the life of the work will be a joy to both children and their parents. Show these wonderful dads your friends because they really - a vivid example to follow.

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