Open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew in just 5 seconds? This man will teach you the ingenious trick!
Imagine this situation. There is a man, and there is a bottle of wine, which he wants to drink alone or to entertain guests, friends, family or a nice girl. But you do not have a corkscrew. And it is also nowhere to borrow. Usually in such cases, the person trying to open a bottle with the help of available funds or shove the cork inside. But in any case - it is not something than if he simply took advantage of the method, which tells in his video the man. Take adopted this advice on how to open a wine with the help of the shoe and any smooth hard surface, like a wall.
This life hacking is very useful, because such a situation where there is nothing to open the wine, quite often. But using proposed in the form of advice, you can get out with dignity from any position, thus showing others their erudition and oboznannost in a wide range of issues.
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This life hacking is very useful, because such a situation where there is nothing to open the wine, quite often. But using proposed in the form of advice, you can get out with dignity from any position, thus showing others their erudition and oboznannost in a wide range of issues.
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