That removed the camera on the helmet firefighter shook me to the core! The heroic rescue ...
In this video, sealed saved three children from a burning apartment. Two firefighters took off this terrible event in the camera, they have attached to their helmets. Real heroes made their way through the whole apartment, shrouded in acrid smoke to rescue three young children. You can hear the glass shatter around them and feel the eerie atmosphere that reigned in the house during the fire.
Fortunately, the rescue team was looking for a short children: a boy, who recently turned a year, three-year and four-year-girl was saved. Children are incredibly lucky that they came to the aid of such a brave team of firefighters.
Video terrifies, but it once again It shows that among the common people also exist superheroes. Who rescued children are in critical condition, but doctors say that they will soon be all right.
What happened? It turns out that the young mother had left three small children unattended in the apartment and went to the supermarket, which was far from home. At the same time she closed the doors with a key. When the fire started, the children could not get out. Now, would-be mother's face imprisonment for irresponsible attitude to their children. Well, in our world there are still courageous people who are doing their hard work in good faith. These heroes deserve respect.
Share this video with your friends. After his view they never venture to leave their kids home alone.
Fortunately, the rescue team was looking for a short children: a boy, who recently turned a year, three-year and four-year-girl was saved. Children are incredibly lucky that they came to the aid of such a brave team of firefighters.
Video terrifies, but it once again It shows that among the common people also exist superheroes. Who rescued children are in critical condition, but doctors say that they will soon be all right.
What happened? It turns out that the young mother had left three small children unattended in the apartment and went to the supermarket, which was far from home. At the same time she closed the doors with a key. When the fire started, the children could not get out. Now, would-be mother's face imprisonment for irresponsible attitude to their children. Well, in our world there are still courageous people who are doing their hard work in good faith. These heroes deserve respect.
Share this video with your friends. After his view they never venture to leave their kids home alone.
You think you know all about the animals? These 10 items you just see for the first time!
He set fire to himself and jumped to a nine. Do you think, he decided to commit suicide? Certainly not ...