End creepy traditions! Nigeria banned that was worth millions of women's lives ...
Nigeria has decided to finally say goodbye to the barbaric traditions of the past. The other day in this country adopted a long-awaited law banning female circumcision. This cruel ritual is widespread in Africa and parts of Asia, especially in countries with Islamic religion. Although the Qur'an is not a word about this terrible tradition, because the ritual of female circumcision has its roots in pre-Islamic past. The first mention of this operation, there are still in manuscripts of ancient Egypt. Now the world has more than 130 million girls and women who have suffered genital mutilation.
Nigerian authorities have decided to deal with this dubious religious tradition and introduced an official ban on female circumcision. May 5 bill was approved by the local Senate and the President of Nigeria signed him two weeks later. It was the last legal decision taken by the Goodluck Jonathan as head of state. On May 29 he was replaced as president Mohammad Bokhari.
Under the law, female circumcision is considered a partial or total removal of the external female genitalia in the absence of medical necessity.
The adoption of this law has received tremendous support among reputable international organizations as well as among ordinary people. The social network Twitter this event even celebrated special hashtag #VAPPBill.
International Children's Fund, UNICEF welcomed the initiative of the Nigerian government. After all, Nigeria is the largest country in Africa and has a great influence on the continent. According to UNICEF, the world's population of 100 to 140 million girls and women who have been circumcised. This organization has for many years conducted an extensive education campaign about the dangers of the operation. And thanks to their efforts over the past 30 years managed to reduce by one third the risk of cutting young girls.
The worst thing is that circumcision is done girls in childhood, and the consequences can torment a woman throughout life. Besides the fact that female circumcision deprives women of sensitivity during sexual intercourse, this operation is also a lot of side effects. The World Health Organization emphasizes that the effects of female circumcision can be sad and long-term. After removal of the external genitalia repeatedly increases the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, urinary tract infection, fistula formation, problems during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as infertility.
Stella Mukasa, an active campaigner for gender equality and is one of the leaders of the International Center for Research on Women, she was enthusiastic about the law prohibiting female circumcision. However, he stresses that the bill itself is not a panacea. It is important to reach the hearts of the local population and try to change their cultural perception. After all, it is the basis of violence against women.
As you can see, in the struggle for women's health made a big step forward. However, further development of the plot depends on the support of the entire population. The more people will support this law, the more likely it will be finished with the ritual of female circumcision. So inform as many of their friends and share with them this record.

Nigerian authorities have decided to deal with this dubious religious tradition and introduced an official ban on female circumcision. May 5 bill was approved by the local Senate and the President of Nigeria signed him two weeks later. It was the last legal decision taken by the Goodluck Jonathan as head of state. On May 29 he was replaced as president Mohammad Bokhari.

Under the law, female circumcision is considered a partial or total removal of the external female genitalia in the absence of medical necessity.
The adoption of this law has received tremendous support among reputable international organizations as well as among ordinary people. The social network Twitter this event even celebrated special hashtag #VAPPBill.
International Children's Fund, UNICEF welcomed the initiative of the Nigerian government. After all, Nigeria is the largest country in Africa and has a great influence on the continent. According to UNICEF, the world's population of 100 to 140 million girls and women who have been circumcised. This organization has for many years conducted an extensive education campaign about the dangers of the operation. And thanks to their efforts over the past 30 years managed to reduce by one third the risk of cutting young girls.
The worst thing is that circumcision is done girls in childhood, and the consequences can torment a woman throughout life. Besides the fact that female circumcision deprives women of sensitivity during sexual intercourse, this operation is also a lot of side effects. The World Health Organization emphasizes that the effects of female circumcision can be sad and long-term. After removal of the external genitalia repeatedly increases the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, urinary tract infection, fistula formation, problems during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as infertility.

Stella Mukasa, an active campaigner for gender equality and is one of the leaders of the International Center for Research on Women, she was enthusiastic about the law prohibiting female circumcision. However, he stresses that the bill itself is not a panacea. It is important to reach the hearts of the local population and try to change their cultural perception. After all, it is the basis of violence against women.
As you can see, in the struggle for women's health made a big step forward. However, further development of the plot depends on the support of the entire population. The more people will support this law, the more likely it will be finished with the ritual of female circumcision. So inform as many of their friends and share with them this record.
This kid did not let her mother throughout the operation. That's what true love!
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