20 perceptive remarks Saltykov-Shchedrin. Wisdom at all times.
Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin stands in Russian literature. His works are full of prickly criticism and biting irony against the then government officials. The writer did not want to put up with the vices of society, and mercilessly mocked them with the elegant and precise phrases.
Rereading quotes Saltykov-Shchedrin in our time, surprised that they are not lost its relevance. But from the time of their writing has passed nearly 150 years! Interestingly, this is a brilliant writer was able to see into the future or in the past time nothing has changed?
Quotes from Michael Evgrafovich really are immortal and do not lose their relevance to this day. Share these quotes with your friends, because the line of Saltykov-Shchedrin forced to think about many things.
via ofigenno ru
Rereading quotes Saltykov-Shchedrin in our time, surprised that they are not lost its relevance. But from the time of their writing has passed nearly 150 years! Interestingly, this is a brilliant writer was able to see into the future or in the past time nothing has changed?

Quotes from Michael Evgrafovich really are immortal and do not lose their relevance to this day. Share these quotes with your friends, because the line of Saltykov-Shchedrin forced to think about many things.
via ofigenno ru
16 incredibly beautiful cities of our planet. From these pictures it is impossible to look away!
20 perceptive remarks Saltykov-Shchedrin. Wisdom at all times.