Hot 10-ka Soviet childhood
Each of us had his favorite toys, movies and ice creams. Today, we try to recreate the Top Ten Soviet child who lived in the era of stagnation and Perestroika. Of course, all this will be a bit subjective, because not all the children liked to be "like everyone else." But still try to call hits our childhood. Let's start with the spiritual and high with books, music and movies with ...
Favorite books of our generation can be called "Dunno on the Moon».
Of course, the children (and adults) read then everything - from Georgian folk tales to Saltykov-Shchedrin. Swallow and Fenimore Cooper, and Dumas and Pikul. However, Russian hobbit adventures of Dunno in the "lunar America" was a hit. It is only then we learned that "Dunno on the Moon" - a lightweight version of "Inhabited Island" by Strugatsky brothers. It is only then we realized that capitalism of the 1990s - a copy of the harsh lunar-fabulous reality. And then it was thrilling action with chases, misadventures and quite adult humor. And what a name! Los Poganos (Los Palmos), Panopticon (sounding almost Connecticut), a bunch of oligarchs - the big Bradley (from "nonsense" and "bedlam"). Names Skuperfild, Spruts, Julio - it's fun to read, even now. Shop different-sized products Santika (from centimes) ferting (pound sterling). In general, the book at all times and at all ages.
My favorite movie is difficult to choose, but do not be mistaken if we call a favorite film heroine Alice Seleznev.
It was she who collects the highest number of comments, if it comes to child-Soviet cinema. Neither kino_devochek - neither Masha Startseva or Malvina or Little Red Riding Hood did not use such a wildly popular. As one dad, "What is she ?! More Alisa Selezneva - that was the heroine! ". Beautiful girl, completely devoid of affectation. Smarty, and thus - not zubrilka. He loves animals, knows how to make friends, brave, jumping over the fence ... This standard girlfriends for anyone - even for a boy, even for girls. The boys fell in love, the girls wanted to be like, or at least - to be near as Julia Gribkova. Despite the fact that the film "Guest from the Future" was at that time less popular than "The Adventures of Electronics", but still it was Alice Selezneva it became nostalgic symbol of the late movie. And not Syroezhkin and iron clone.
Name the song generation was difficult - in kindergartens and pioneer activities sang one of Mafon plowshare other - quite the opposite.
But there was one song that pleased withdrawn children and adolescents, even music lessons at school. It's just a song from the soundtrack to "The Adventures of Electronics" - "Wings of Swing." This music is loved almost everything. Moreover, the presence thereof in maiden songbook sludge was not considered. (Recall that in our songbooks was no place for a children's song, officious-Soviet speaker, as well as throughout the outdated, for example, the popular hits of 1920-1960-ies). But "Winged swing" could very fit, especially the third verse, which was not included in the film, but who later sang choruses pioneering radio. Even children who heard mostly English-speaking disco group loved these same swing.
The most a hit cartoon of our generation can be called "The Mystery of the Third Planet».
It is clear that we all love cartoons, just not the puppet. Many of you will be called and Vrungel and "Around the World in 80 Days," but for some reason the "mystery of ..." the most actively discussed at recess. Maybe, because then in vogue was fantastic. Maybe because it was a long cartoon (but do not show how Vrungel). Replicas of the characters were taken away on citations. "The bird Govorun different intelligence and wit ... And like, I knock it? It will be purple, spotted ... Do not believe him! It swallowing the planet Katruk! »
From mass entertainment can be identified newsreel "Jumble».
Usually before a session child shows exactly it - it's most like much more than a collection of cognitive "I want to know everything." Of course there were girls and boys' glasses, "who loved it smart newsreel, but most to the" smart "is not treated and therefore loved it" Jumble "- Adventures otvyaznyh Losers and their long-suffering parents, funny incidents in the classroom and in everyday life, incidents of teenage love and friendship. And what were there Valais! Goodbye, Bob! ... Where are you, timurovtsi?! ... Now you do not Bulavkin and weightlifting champion! Some scenes now look outdated - a modern children do not understand, who are timurovtsi, and that holds for the manipulation of the student with the book "The Three Musketeers" (about the trash), but some are still alive and relevant.
Beloved children's brand (or what is it?) Era, we would call the Olympic Bear - 80.
He was a popular person is unrealistic - were with him t-shirts, badges and chocolates. His image adorned everything. Children tried to draw, adults buy porcelain figurines. Everybody cried when he flew at the close of the Olympic Games-80. Cheburashka, Murzilka, cat Matroskin, the heroes of "Well, wait!" - All of them at once paled next to the Olympic Bear. I remember that the symbol of the festival, 85 - slurred girl Katyusha - not particularly popular. Many have even forgotten what she looked like, but the Bear-80 is still the symbol of the stable and orderly life under Brezhnev.
Now gradually move on to the toys. It is clear that the girls loved the GDR-ovskih dolls, and boys - cars and lunohodiki.
They all wanted the railway, but it was not only expensive but also scarce. Moreover - for some reason it is quickly bored. Well, goes back and forth, well, flash German houses. Well? But soft toys seem to love it. They accompanied our lives since childhood - favorite bears, bunnies, puppies. Some children have even been imported foxes and panthers. These toys are worth quite expensive - imported and quite realistic fox (for example) as it turned out was bought for 14 rubles. But domestic proteins leverets with cartoon appearance are available to all. With soft toys could sleep in the arms, they could be playing in the school and the hospital, they were the best gift classmate.
Now let's move to the spiritual sustenance that is, to varieties of ice cream.
Ice cream love, it seems, all the children. We loved the Eskimo, "gourmet", "Borodino", and another round balls in kremanki before a session in the theater. We do not like the classic ice cream for 48 cents - it seemed to us somehow tasteless and boring. But the grade was a hit, fruit and water for the cheap 7 cents. It was in the paper cups and wooden stick. Since it is rapidly melted (unlike oil-rich), most often it sold some deformed and wrinkled. But that does not bother anyone - we bought it in 5-6 pieces and enjoy eating hot pink ice, which is called the muck adults. But we did not believe them.
The undoubted hit of our childhood is imported chewing gum (or zhuvachku).
Best of all, of course, any fruit, from the category bubble-Gamow. She smelled fabulous she long and tasty chew, it was a symbol of the good life. It can be inflated. She was a candy wrapper, and if you're lucky, and inserts. They are always depicted cartoon-like comic book characters. They are collected, they changed their ... stealing. They could even sell. As in the adult world, prized chewing gum, produced in kap.stranah, especially the American and - the Japanese. Japan was hit by itself - there was advanced technology and fashion calendars with beautiful asians. Sots.stran of gum, and especially the Soviet not appreciated. Yes, they chew, but they took place, and should take some chewing gum in the life of Homo sapiens ...
Among the drinks certainly takes the first place ... no, not even Pepsi-Cola and Fanta, and soda from the machine.
Firstly, it was cheap - 3 kopecks for water with syrup and 1 penny - for ordinary gaz.vodu unfilled. We specifically collected trёhkopeechnye coins to try two of available taste. True, there were diluted. So we learned to do a double syrup - first machine gave a drop of apple or pear flavor, and then poured water. So, we had to catch a drop of syrup, and then skip the water. Then repeat the syrup. And then it turned out quite tolerable swipes. Secondly, it was on the street - between times, between the game. Eating and drinking on the street - a holy cause for each child. At home or even at a party - not interested!
Of course, the other children were completely - they are not going liners and preferred to listen to the music of Claude Debussy with Alfred Schnittke. We all understand that. Therefore, pre-prepared for the influx of ex-smart-children in their 3 years to understand what he wanted to say Tarkovsky, Fellini and is passed stage. We believe that these were. But we tried to recreate hits not only on their personal memories, but based on your comments to the Soviet art.
Favorite books of our generation can be called "Dunno on the Moon».
Of course, the children (and adults) read then everything - from Georgian folk tales to Saltykov-Shchedrin. Swallow and Fenimore Cooper, and Dumas and Pikul. However, Russian hobbit adventures of Dunno in the "lunar America" was a hit. It is only then we learned that "Dunno on the Moon" - a lightweight version of "Inhabited Island" by Strugatsky brothers. It is only then we realized that capitalism of the 1990s - a copy of the harsh lunar-fabulous reality. And then it was thrilling action with chases, misadventures and quite adult humor. And what a name! Los Poganos (Los Palmos), Panopticon (sounding almost Connecticut), a bunch of oligarchs - the big Bradley (from "nonsense" and "bedlam"). Names Skuperfild, Spruts, Julio - it's fun to read, even now. Shop different-sized products Santika (from centimes) ferting (pound sterling). In general, the book at all times and at all ages.

My favorite movie is difficult to choose, but do not be mistaken if we call a favorite film heroine Alice Seleznev.
It was she who collects the highest number of comments, if it comes to child-Soviet cinema. Neither kino_devochek - neither Masha Startseva or Malvina or Little Red Riding Hood did not use such a wildly popular. As one dad, "What is she ?! More Alisa Selezneva - that was the heroine! ". Beautiful girl, completely devoid of affectation. Smarty, and thus - not zubrilka. He loves animals, knows how to make friends, brave, jumping over the fence ... This standard girlfriends for anyone - even for a boy, even for girls. The boys fell in love, the girls wanted to be like, or at least - to be near as Julia Gribkova. Despite the fact that the film "Guest from the Future" was at that time less popular than "The Adventures of Electronics", but still it was Alice Selezneva it became nostalgic symbol of the late movie. And not Syroezhkin and iron clone.

Name the song generation was difficult - in kindergartens and pioneer activities sang one of Mafon plowshare other - quite the opposite.
But there was one song that pleased withdrawn children and adolescents, even music lessons at school. It's just a song from the soundtrack to "The Adventures of Electronics" - "Wings of Swing." This music is loved almost everything. Moreover, the presence thereof in maiden songbook sludge was not considered. (Recall that in our songbooks was no place for a children's song, officious-Soviet speaker, as well as throughout the outdated, for example, the popular hits of 1920-1960-ies). But "Winged swing" could very fit, especially the third verse, which was not included in the film, but who later sang choruses pioneering radio. Even children who heard mostly English-speaking disco group loved these same swing.

The most a hit cartoon of our generation can be called "The Mystery of the Third Planet».
It is clear that we all love cartoons, just not the puppet. Many of you will be called and Vrungel and "Around the World in 80 Days," but for some reason the "mystery of ..." the most actively discussed at recess. Maybe, because then in vogue was fantastic. Maybe because it was a long cartoon (but do not show how Vrungel). Replicas of the characters were taken away on citations. "The bird Govorun different intelligence and wit ... And like, I knock it? It will be purple, spotted ... Do not believe him! It swallowing the planet Katruk! »

From mass entertainment can be identified newsreel "Jumble».
Usually before a session child shows exactly it - it's most like much more than a collection of cognitive "I want to know everything." Of course there were girls and boys' glasses, "who loved it smart newsreel, but most to the" smart "is not treated and therefore loved it" Jumble "- Adventures otvyaznyh Losers and their long-suffering parents, funny incidents in the classroom and in everyday life, incidents of teenage love and friendship. And what were there Valais! Goodbye, Bob! ... Where are you, timurovtsi?! ... Now you do not Bulavkin and weightlifting champion! Some scenes now look outdated - a modern children do not understand, who are timurovtsi, and that holds for the manipulation of the student with the book "The Three Musketeers" (about the trash), but some are still alive and relevant.

Beloved children's brand (or what is it?) Era, we would call the Olympic Bear - 80.
He was a popular person is unrealistic - were with him t-shirts, badges and chocolates. His image adorned everything. Children tried to draw, adults buy porcelain figurines. Everybody cried when he flew at the close of the Olympic Games-80. Cheburashka, Murzilka, cat Matroskin, the heroes of "Well, wait!" - All of them at once paled next to the Olympic Bear. I remember that the symbol of the festival, 85 - slurred girl Katyusha - not particularly popular. Many have even forgotten what she looked like, but the Bear-80 is still the symbol of the stable and orderly life under Brezhnev.

Now gradually move on to the toys. It is clear that the girls loved the GDR-ovskih dolls, and boys - cars and lunohodiki.
They all wanted the railway, but it was not only expensive but also scarce. Moreover - for some reason it is quickly bored. Well, goes back and forth, well, flash German houses. Well? But soft toys seem to love it. They accompanied our lives since childhood - favorite bears, bunnies, puppies. Some children have even been imported foxes and panthers. These toys are worth quite expensive - imported and quite realistic fox (for example) as it turned out was bought for 14 rubles. But domestic proteins leverets with cartoon appearance are available to all. With soft toys could sleep in the arms, they could be playing in the school and the hospital, they were the best gift classmate.

Now let's move to the spiritual sustenance that is, to varieties of ice cream.
Ice cream love, it seems, all the children. We loved the Eskimo, "gourmet", "Borodino", and another round balls in kremanki before a session in the theater. We do not like the classic ice cream for 48 cents - it seemed to us somehow tasteless and boring. But the grade was a hit, fruit and water for the cheap 7 cents. It was in the paper cups and wooden stick. Since it is rapidly melted (unlike oil-rich), most often it sold some deformed and wrinkled. But that does not bother anyone - we bought it in 5-6 pieces and enjoy eating hot pink ice, which is called the muck adults. But we did not believe them.

The undoubted hit of our childhood is imported chewing gum (or zhuvachku).
Best of all, of course, any fruit, from the category bubble-Gamow. She smelled fabulous she long and tasty chew, it was a symbol of the good life. It can be inflated. She was a candy wrapper, and if you're lucky, and inserts. They are always depicted cartoon-like comic book characters. They are collected, they changed their ... stealing. They could even sell. As in the adult world, prized chewing gum, produced in kap.stranah, especially the American and - the Japanese. Japan was hit by itself - there was advanced technology and fashion calendars with beautiful asians. Sots.stran of gum, and especially the Soviet not appreciated. Yes, they chew, but they took place, and should take some chewing gum in the life of Homo sapiens ...

Among the drinks certainly takes the first place ... no, not even Pepsi-Cola and Fanta, and soda from the machine.
Firstly, it was cheap - 3 kopecks for water with syrup and 1 penny - for ordinary gaz.vodu unfilled. We specifically collected trёhkopeechnye coins to try two of available taste. True, there were diluted. So we learned to do a double syrup - first machine gave a drop of apple or pear flavor, and then poured water. So, we had to catch a drop of syrup, and then skip the water. Then repeat the syrup. And then it turned out quite tolerable swipes. Secondly, it was on the street - between times, between the game. Eating and drinking on the street - a holy cause for each child. At home or even at a party - not interested!

Of course, the other children were completely - they are not going liners and preferred to listen to the music of Claude Debussy with Alfred Schnittke. We all understand that. Therefore, pre-prepared for the influx of ex-smart-children in their 3 years to understand what he wanted to say Tarkovsky, Fellini and is passed stage. We believe that these were. But we tried to recreate hits not only on their personal memories, but based on your comments to the Soviet art.