The gadget, or vehicle? Review elektrosamokata Inmotion L6 and blisks Inmotion V5

Some time ago we did a review blisks and segveya Chinese manufacturer Inmotion. At this time, we offer you to get acquainted with elektrosamokatom the same company, as well as the latest model of blisks Inmotion V5.
- Engine: Samsung DC motor 350W
- The maximum speed: 25 km / h
- Suspension: front and rear shock absorbers
- Type of frame: foldable material - aluminum alloy
- Cruising: 30 km
- The maximum angle of elevation: 15 °
- Maximum load: 120 kg
- Class Protection: IP65
- Dimensions: 1037x540x1165 mm
- Weight: 16 kg 5
- price: 60 000
For many Chinese manufacturers uncharacteristically reverent attitude to the design of its products. But this is not about Inmotion say. L6 assembled very carefully, every detail, every element looks very organically. This unit for the city.
Folding scooter frame is made of aluminum. Special lock prevents both spontaneous dehiscence scooter and folding. On the steering wheel levers derived gas (right) and the brake (left). Next to the gas is the power button, concurrently performing the function of the cruise control. In the center of the steering column is the small screen, which displays the current speed, battery status, and connect to your phone.
Both wheels are equipped with shock absorbers. The engine itself is placed in a box inside the frame of the scooter, under the feet of the rider. There is hidden and a socket for charging the scooter, just connect it to a conventional household outlet.
The main drawback of the device (other than price) - weight. Few people seem comfortable to carry a piece of iron at 16, 5 kg, even with the folding structure. Fragile women are unlikely to wear L6 in the subway or on the stairs.
According to his passport a top speed of 25 km / h, but during testing we managed to overclock only to 15 km / h. May reach a quarter turn, if you put on a miniature Chinese L6 model and run it downhill. The battery is fully charged in 5 hours, and the range is about 30 km (again, on the passport).
To start a movement, it is necessary to push off from the ground once foot, and then pull the scooter has the engine. He works at the same time completely silent, no buzz, and other unpleasant sounds. Shock wonderful quenched tremors because coating unevenness.
However, the most interesting in L6 - the ability to connect a smartphone running Android and iOS.
Connecting wirelessly, via Bluetooth. After the firmware application, you can change various settings; we tried "zatyuningovat» L6, that he clocked the same to the declared 25 km / h, but we did not succeed. Also on the smart phone displays information about the current state of the scooter, is recording the route. At the same time the manufacturer took care of the social component: Map displays other L6, located not far from you. There's even a built-in social network. It looks very nice, I must say. Welcome to the club owners elektrosamokatov!
Blisks Inmotion V5
- Speed: 18 km / h
- Cruising range: 20-25 km (35-40 km for versions V5 +)
- Max. angle of elevation: 18 °
- Protection: IP55
- Dimensions: mm 481h410h147
- Weight (without packaging): 11 kg
- Max . load: 120 kg
- Price: 40 000 (at the start - 30 000 rubles)
- Start of sales: September 15, 2015
Maximum speed - 18 km / h, in different versions cruising range will be from 25 to 40 km. Full recharging - 1, 5-2 hours, the weight of the device - 11 kg. Charging blisks from conventional power, using an adapter. Maximum load - 120 kg. As you can see, the characteristics quite on the level of the best models.
On the folding footboard coated abrasive anti-slip coating. For greater reliability, and are equipped with running boards with rubber bands so that accidentally slip off them almost impossible. Soft lining to protect the sides of the lower leg from rubbing.
The front has an internal lamp, and behind a large and bright LED battery. Concurrently he serves as position lamp. To activate the V6 harnesses located on top of the touchpad.
Beginners previously ezdivshemu on blisks, is unlikely to immediately embark on V6 and go. We'll have to spend some time on the development and addictive. So it is better to keep this in mind so as not to be disappointed after the purchase.
Our view
As you can see, L6 and V5 are more affordable than those considered in the previous review of the device. Scooter Inmotion L6 different quality build, good design and the ability to connect a smartphone to record a route and "L6-entry into the club." Utility and the ability to customize a number of parameters scooter directly from your smartphone.
Blisks Inmotion V5 interesting especially its price. With the start of sales is going to be one of the cheapest device of this class. Reduced prices did not go to the detriment of driving characteristics, the device goes worse than much more expensive competitors. But equipment ascetic, there is not that of the gyroscope, but even wireless interface to connect smart phone.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/mailru/blog/260246/
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