NASA offered a mapping service for exploring Mars

Google Earth, and Street View is very good for exploring the sights of our planet - as the product of human hands, and the creations of nature. Travel across the globe can make at any time, at any place. But many of us are interested in not only the Earth, but the other planets, not bad studied with the help of satellites.
For example, Mars. The surface of the Red Planet is photographed very often, as the orbit, as well as directly from the surface of Mars. Naturally, scientists have known a huge amount of information available photos of Mars. Recently, NASA decided to share their data with ordinary mortals, releasing a mapping service for Mars. This service is called - Mars Trek .
This is exactly what it seems: an interactive map of Mars, composed of images obtained as a result of multiple devices, both orbital and surface. Of course, this card is not as good as Google Earth, close-range in the volcanoes and craters consider not succeed. But you can change the viewing modes (south pole, north, community card), and zoom in or out the surface.
The map has several layers, each layer - a separate set of images of a particular device. So if you want to see another part of the surface quality, in color or grayscale - all this can be done without any problems.
Explore the surface of Mars right from your phone or browser #JourneyToMars #SDCC < a href = ""> - NASA (NASA) July 10, 2015 blockquote>
Interactive map would not be alone if scientists are not allowed to interact with the user. In addition to the zoom and angle, there is an opportunity to explore the most famous and important in terms of Mars, getting them a comprehensive help. In this case you should use the service «Bookmarks», who will tell and show everything you need. Moreover, the user, if desired, can load STL files if there is a need to print part of the surface of Mars in the form of a 3D model on the printer.