In Brazil, we found a replacement for the deceased counterpart Ken doll

Brazilian Mauricio Galdi became double Ken doll after eight plastic surgery. 27-year-old native of Sao Paulo, attracted the attention of the media after the beginning of June died the other is similar to other Barbie dolls Brazilian Kelso Santibanes.

Galdi says that he never called himself a "human counterpart Ken doll" and he was awarded the title of the press. However, the Brazilian glad this sravneniyu.

He said that as a child he was jealous of the girls because he could not play with Barbie and Ken. "I've seen how they play with dolls, and wanted to do the same, but I was afraid of prejudice," - said brazilets.

In 17 years, Galdi enrolled in acting classes. But there he was told that he could not make a career on the stage, because its appearance is far from ideal. Then the young man decided to apply to plastic hirurgam.