Very strong and inspiring lyrics!
At the age of 40 years old eagle talons are too long and flexible, and it can not seize their prey. Its beak is too long and curved and does not allow him to eat. The feathers on the wings and breasts become too thick and heavy and hinder the fly. Now the eagle is facing a choice: either death or a long and painful period of change which lasts 150 days ...
He flies to its nest, located on the top of the mountain, and there long beak beats the rock, while the beak does not break and peel off ... Then he waits grow a new beak, which it pulls its claws ... When new talons grow back, the eagle plucks them their too heavy feathering on the chest and the wings ... And then, after 5 months of pain and suffering, with the new beak, claws and feathers eagle reborn again and can live for another 30 years ...
Very often, in order to live, we have to change, sometimes this process is accompanied by pain, fear, doubt ... We get rid of memories, habits and traditions of the past ... But the liberation from the burden of the past allows us to live and enjoy the present and prepare yourself for the future.

At the age of 40 years old eagle talons are too long and flexible, and it can not seize their prey. Its beak is too long and curved and does not allow him to eat. The feathers on the wings and breasts become too thick and heavy and hinder the fly. Now the eagle is facing a choice: either death or a long and painful period of change which lasts 150 days ...
He flies to its nest, located on the top of the mountain, and there long beak beats the rock, while the beak does not break and peel off ... Then he waits grow a new beak, which it pulls its claws ... When new talons grow back, the eagle plucks them their too heavy feathering on the chest and the wings ... And then, after 5 months of pain and suffering, with the new beak, claws and feathers eagle reborn again and can live for another 30 years ...
Very often, in order to live, we have to change, sometimes this process is accompanied by pain, fear, doubt ... We get rid of memories, habits and traditions of the past ... But the liberation from the burden of the past allows us to live and enjoy the present and prepare yourself for the future.