The turning point in the search for clean energy sources

Opening remarks by Tom Darden, at the opening of the 19th international conference on the study of cold fusion (LENR), which took place April 13-17, 2015 in Italy, Padua. The conference was held with the support of Ministry of Economic Development of Italy, in one of the largest halls in Europe Palazzo della Ragione . More than 500 participants. I>
I am honored to be here today to appeal to those of you who have done so much to change the way of solving the energy problem and the needs of the environment, and to change science. I - the founder of the Cherokee (prim.redaktora - Cherokee Investment Partners, the fund controls more than $ 2 billion) i>, and they asked me to tell you who we are and why we have established Industrial Heat as a source of funding for LENR-inventors . Unlike many of you, I'm not a scientist, I am an entrepreneur, but we support a wide range of innovations. As Peter Drucker wrote:
business sees great social problem - do something different, and not just to do something better than it has been done blockquote> do better than has been done - that, for example, to make a little more coal-fired power effective. [Or] Instead, you simply make them irrelevant. Thank God, there are those who, like you, have the courage to make a coup.
In 1921, experts have determined that the flight range limit is reached. In 1932 it was determined that nuclear fission is hardly possible. And in the 1950s, when I was born, they believed that pollution - a necessary part of economic development.
Paradigm shift does not pass easily, especially in science. Thomas Kuhn wrote in "The Nature of Scientific Revolutions", which is usually supported by the crises of our time. If you are at the forefront of a paradigm shift, you will attack your colleagues, and you will attack the institutions that protect the status quo.
We feel that we need to undermine the two central business paradigm.
The first is the traditional spirit of the defenders of the environment, that we should strive to be "less bad". But the leading American philosopher William protect the environment McDonagh (William McDonough) remarked in his book « Cradle to Cradle », that be "less bad" does not mean to be good, it means still be bad, just a little less. If you are driving a car to the edge, you will not just slow down - you have to turn around and go in the other direction.
We need a solution that is, in essence, does not pollute the environment, not a solution that only reduces pollution.
Second, let's put our question the assumption about the deficit. In fact, we live in a world of plenty, at least, energy. Unfortunately, because of the inefficiency of modern society, the world is suffering a deficit of energy, at least in some regions. Why do we burn oil and gas, which is given to only a fraction of the real encases energy? Doing so, we throw almost the entire mass of carbon in the pipe. We dissipate this mass on the planet. Carbon and heavy metals can be quite useful, they are not necessarily waste, but they are, if they are in the wrong place: CO2 in air - pollutant carbon in the tree - not. Heavy metals can be extremely useful if they are in the wrong place, for example, in agricultural. lands in China or in our oceans.
We need a completely new paradigm. This is an encouraging vision was at the beginning of our work in the Industrial Heat.
When I went to school in the United States has been the environmental crisis. Most have already forgotten, or never knew, but when I was young, periodically industrial river lit up our cities because of the emissions in them, and sometimes our most polluted cities, people were driving day with included lights. Air pollution, we had such a strong air pollution in China in some cities. This was America, when I started thinking about my place in the world.
I was thrilled when I saw the first picture of our living planet from space. Many of you will remember this - ironically we never saw the land, because we lived on it. We could see that it was a living planet. I felt that something should be done for this. Later in university I wrote my thesis on acid rain, air pollution from coal-fired power plants. My first job was at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology in Seoul, where I worked on the theme of pollution, is obtained from domestic coal used for heating and cooking. I saw pollution in East Asia. I came back and went to yell to be a lawyer for dirt, but in the United States, engaged in the legal profession, some people think that this is something boring and I fell into this category, but, fortunately, I got a job at Bain and Co., working in steel mills to improve energy efficiency.
In 1984 I translated the brickworks from fossil fuel to bio-gas, which is obtained from plant waste. We are for the most part abandoned coal, except for generating electricity, and I became obsessed with the idea to find a way to give up coal and there. It was all to no avail. In 1985, I discovered soil contamination at our brick plants from decades of oil use. I found some of the professors at Virginia Technical University nearby, professors who have dealt with soil bacteria, and we started to grow bacteria that consume contamination in the ground. I put money in their business through the system and we have established technology Cherokee Environmental, to clean contaminated soil on the entire east coast, and in a few years we have cleared 15 million. Tons of mud. That would be enough for it to raise the level of the golf course at 400 feet or 130 meters.
We started buying contaminated areas for cleaning. We have earned this 2 billion. Dollars buying and restoring the land. We owned 550 possessions in the United States, Canada and Europe, including a refinery near here (Trieste).
Some people think that Cherokee - real estate company because it owns a large land ownership, and it really speaks to her, but the driving force is our desire to solve the problem of pollution. I saw that we could cope with the pollution, working with intelligent scientists from Virginia Tech. We had no domestic scientific innovation - we are businessmen, not scientists, but we knew that we could find scientists who have ideas. So, we have expanded business. We continued to do it with other professors. Between 1985 and the present time, we have founded or invested in more than 100 venture capital firms and startups. They concerned the pollution of water or air, or control energy distribution networks; almost all of these ideas were not our - they belonged to others.
My original goal was to reduce pollution, and we went out of the country to transfer technology, since it abroad were the main pollution. I am regularly in China and advise the authorities and business leaders on the methods and processes to combat pollution. They say that 19% of the territory is too contaminated to use them for agriculture. This is mainly due to air pollution - they fall to the ground and infect it. Obviously, this is a huge social problem. I started to do it in the former Soviet Union in the 1990s, and we have also investigated it in the Middle East, India and Indonesia, focusing on the most polluted places. In order to cope with global environmental problems, solutions should be universal - it can not be only for Europe or the United States.
At the beginning of this decade Cherokee beginning a relatively stable part of its history. It was prepared by the next generation of leaders, who were willing to conduct business, and current projects ran smoothly. My children were 20-30, and I spent time with them and with my wife for the first time in 35 years. I have modified his plane, planning to spend more time in flights.
And one day I got a random call about cold fusion. I do not really believe it, as I remembered the exposure of Fleischmann and Pons years earlier, and thought that the matter is closed. Then, after 30 days, I got another, unrelated to the first request from the other group, so we began to conduct some research and then another 30 days I received a call from one group more. After all, we have invested in 100 start-ups, but at the time did not receive requests to invest in cold fusion or LENR: and then just three intervals of 30 days. We have financed two of these three groups, and then, as many of you know, мы steel technology owners Andrea Rossi [Jan. 24, 2014].
Then we organized grants to university groups conducting research in this area and will continue to fund additional commands. We expect cooperation with the large ecosystem of scientists working together to develop the many systems and technologies that society needs to move away from polluting fossil fuels. Our goal - to clean energy to those who need it in the first place, especially in the developing world. We also do not believe that there is only one solution, we believe that there are many solutions to this problem. To realize this vision, we have determined that a business approach is the most effective strategy; We saw many other.
I know that many of you feel that the business is and who was antagonistic to your work. I understand that. But remember that commerce has long recommended itself as the primary agent of change in any technical endeavor. We attract large companies, and we all need them to our ideas are widespread. We want to work with many larger companies, and we want to help others to do so. We founded the Industrial Heat, because we believe that LENR-technology should adhere to, even if we do not achieve success. We are prepared to be wrong, we are willing to invest time and resources to see whether it can be a useful area of research in our quest to solve the problem of pollution. At that time we were not particularly optimistic, but global advantages were obvious.
We had some success, and we have expanded our work. We cooperate and invest in researchers and developers. Scientists compete, hoping to be the first, and they are counting on to openly share their discoveries, to speed up the process. They want to share their work safely in an environment where what they are doing really matters, and where they get what they deserve. They want to know that their work will be paid for and their ideas will be appreciated, will be promoted, and they are fairly rewarded. We allowed ourselves to create the type of environment in the Industrial Heat. We believe that we can be finally on the verge of a paradigm shift - and it will create new opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship to promote the causes of abundance instead of scarcity and continuing calls simply be less poor.
When I look in the room, I was filled with two emotions, of which one is warm and positive and the other is cold and sad. You gave your life to your research; despite the difficulties you are ensured a great change to the world. Thank you for your years of hard work and progress. Every day I think of you and inspire you. At the same time, I want to say I am truly sorry that the public attacks you the last three decades. How treated with Fleischmann and Pons, the way you deal with official institutions and the media, will go down in history as yet another example of scientific infanticide when entrenched interests killed deviant offspring ... it seems the dark component of human nature, and - ironically - we're in Padua, Galileo city. But in spite of this long-suffering, you are committed to your work. Thank you for your firm and for your efforts in the face of difficulties. In the face of difficulties, we must continue with good faith, good will, good intentions and sincerity, driven by better angels of our nature, without succumbing to the behavior of others.
We should also not be limited by our mind; Ironically, the expert who predicted that the flight range reached in 1921, was Orville Wright, inventor of the airplane, and the expert, who said about the incredible nuclear fission, was, of course, Einstein. We have to be vigilant, to our mind was always open. Your time has come: the hysterical fear that gripped China and India, which reported on the pollution of air and water, creating a huge demand for new ideas, less limited in the past. Secondly, the increasing reports about the success of many of you continue to neutralize the presumptuousness of skeptics. But it does not give benefits us nor society if we succeed, but we lose the battle. Let's support each other in the first place to put the needs of society and the needs of others, while we contemplate how to win.
You are able to give the world a healing gift. Many also have the opportunity to deal with this income. I am a businessman and I believe that the business - usually the most effective means to achieve social and environmental reforms. Also as for the embodiment technologies. But we must always think first of all about the needs of others, the needs of society, the needs of our planet. I do not want to succeed at the cost of someone else's hardship. My goal - and fairly widely spread your knowledge in the world, seeing that you will get the respect and rewards for your efforts.
No matter how challenging it may seem, we have reached a tipping point. The potential of your work is great. Signs of progress are significant. Here's our simple manifesto: give our descendants a world better than we received
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Translated by Magazine Emerging areas of science . I>