Flexible bricks? You will not believe!

Technology does not stand still, offering more and more new designs and new materials for cladding zdaniy.

Now came a flexible brick Delap, which consists of marble chips and acrylic resin. Marble is the second strength among natural mineral after diamond. Acrylic resin is added during the construction of yachts and aircraft parts. Together, this gives a high quality material for facing facades of houses and buildings, which serves at least 50 years. Flexible bricks not only flexible, but also lightweight, allowing you to not load the facade. Installation of flexible brick can be done on any uneven surfaces, as well as angles and columns. And the most interesting flexible brick can be cut with scissors

Flexible bricks solves many problems: does not require components, the spring small savings in logistics, low use of tile adhesives, protective film for grouting, easy installation, zero waste ultrafioletostoykost.

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