Startup offers single-board computer for only $ 9

Startup Next Thing Co. introduced a tiny innovation - SBC CHIP It costs $ 9. On board already contains a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB of storage, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth adapters, and composite video output. Кампания Kick on one day have three times the requested amount of $ 50,000.
As options for C.H.I.P. Company offers Shield (a term familiar to fans of single-board computers - extra fees, which are attached to the terminals without soldering) with VGA-output ($ 10) and HDMI-output ($ 15).

Another interesting option - a PocketC.HIP, housing for turning odnoplatnika in homemade smartphone. In the case there is a touch screen diagonal of 4.3 & quot ;, QWERTY-keyboard and battery, designed for 5 hours (3000 mAh 3.7V LiPo). The computer is inserted into the body through a special hatch.
Low cost of crumbs, not least achieved thanks to a new generation of processor A13 from a Chinese company Allwinner. The company ranks second in the world in terms of produced tablets. Their products can be found online at cost about $ 50 . The developers were able to agree on a start Allwinner support within the Chinese business accelerator HAXLR8R. Startup uses a modification of the processor under the name R8.

It seemed like only yesterday we admired designer Arduino or happy exit "malinki» Raspberry Pi. Computer C.H.I.P. cheaper than their more powerful and at the same time - on it it runs Linux (developers use distribution Debian), where you can run a browser, LibreOffice and other "common" application. A similar power platform BeagleBone Black will cost you about $ 50 - though it does not have wireless connectivity.
Baker campaign can get the computer itself for $ 9, CHIP with battery for $ 19, C.H.I.P. with a VGA-Shield for $ 19, C.H.I.P. with HDMI-Shield for $ 24, and C.H.I.P. complete with PocketC.H.I.P. $ 49 (delivery in Russia will cost $ 25).
The project is completely open, and everyone will be able to understand how CHIP made and works.
This is not the first rodeo for kraudfandingovoe Next Thing Co. - Last year they successfully raised funds in the видефотоокамеры OTTO running Raspberry Pi, and now ready to send out copies of Baker.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/250134/
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