Lake Ladoga
Lake Ladoga, referring to the basin of the Baltic Sea, is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. The lake with islands is more than eighteen thousand square kilometers, the length of the reservoir is equal to two hundred and nineteen kilometers, and the largest width of one hundred thirty eight kilometers.
The depth of Lake Ladoga is unevenly distributed in the northern part of it is equal to a maximum of two hundred and thirty meters, and in the south - seventy meters. Its waters into the lake are over forty rivers flowing from it only one river - Neva. On the coast of this picturesque reservoir located some cities: Novaya Ladoga, Priozersk, Shlisselburg, Pitkäranta and Sortavala Lahdenpohja. Tourists are welcome open door recreation on Lake Ladoga.

The depth of Lake Ladoga is unevenly distributed in the northern part of it is equal to a maximum of two hundred and thirty meters, and in the south - seventy meters. Its waters into the lake are over forty rivers flowing from it only one river - Neva. On the coast of this picturesque reservoir located some cities: Novaya Ladoga, Priozersk, Shlisselburg, Pitkäranta and Sortavala Lahdenpohja. Tourists are welcome open door recreation on Lake Ladoga.