Under Mexican pyramid found liquid mercury

According to archaeologist , who discovered liquid mercury under the pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (this is the third largest pyramid of the ancient city of Teotihuacan), the presence of this metal may be an indication of detection grave influential leader. Archaeologist Sergio Gomez said that he found a large amount of liquid mercury.
It is worth noting that Gomez is working in this location for about 6 years, gradually expanding the tunnel under the pyramid. This tunnel was laid more inhabitants of the ancient city, 1,800 years ago. This tunnel was discovered three separate chambers, and in front of these rooms, archaeologists found a strange artifacts: rubber balls, bones, jaguar, jade statue and a box of carved shells.
Now excavations are complicated by the discovery of liquid mercury: as you know, the evaporation of mercury toxicity, and archaeologists have to use some protective measures. Mercury is found here is not unique find: spilled liquid metal found in other places, ancient Aboriginal settlements in Central America, including the building of Mayan culture and the Olmec.

Gomez believes that liquid mercury was supposed to symbolize the beyond a river or lake, river Styx sort of like the ancient Greeks. This - the entrance to the underworld, the transition from the world we are. Most likely, the ancient inhabitants of the city mercury had magical significance, and was used in rituals.

A pyramid scheme and a tunnel under it (Handout / Reuters)
Mercury extracted from cinnabar by heating. Cinnabar is also used by the ancient as red dye. Maya, for example, used to decorate vermilion their temples and their own bodies.
Pyramid in question was built by an ancient civilization that flourished in the period of 100-700 years. AD. Perhaps the city was ruled by four chiefs, who were then buried in pyramids.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249554/