Riots in Iran
Judging by the photos, the unrest in Iran really have the potential to grow into something more. For example, in such a serious civil war. Disorder in Tehran began field of how the winner of the presidential elections held on June 12 has been declared incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Supporters of another candidate, Mir Hossein Mousavi, felt that the results of the elections were rigged. During the riots killed at least seven people; The riots began on the streets of other cities, including Isfahan.
still young - terrible force. as soon as her life becomes so (in its sole opinion) is unbearable, that has nothing to lose and it goes to the streets - beware. youth, by the way, arranged by the great Islamic Revolution. youth appeared on Tiananmen Square, thrown out of the palace Milosevic chose quite literally here yesterday Obama. photography world agencies from Iran indicate exactly this: young, greyhounds and tired of the strict and unfair life against old fart. the problem, however, as is usual in that old fart control the police and army. but it is, by the way, does not mean that they will win.
via atticus-flinch

still young - terrible force. as soon as her life becomes so (in its sole opinion) is unbearable, that has nothing to lose and it goes to the streets - beware. youth, by the way, arranged by the great Islamic Revolution. youth appeared on Tiananmen Square, thrown out of the palace Milosevic chose quite literally here yesterday Obama. photography world agencies from Iran indicate exactly this: young, greyhounds and tired of the strict and unfair life against old fart. the problem, however, as is usual in that old fart control the police and army. but it is, by the way, does not mean that they will win.

via atticus-flinch