The Eiffel Tower installed wind turbines

Eiffel Tower yesterday acquired two small wind turbines , which will generate electricity. The company UGE International Ltd, engaged in renewable energy, set on the second floor of the tower at a height of about 120 meters of its two vertical turbine VisionAIR5.
Installing turbines - Part процесса renovations of the first floor of the tower located there and commercial enterprises. Power generated by the turbines of 10,000 kWh per year should be enough to power the entire first floor. Their design allows them to work in the presence of wind blowing from either side.

CEO of UGE, Nick Blitersvik, commented: "The Eiffel Tower - perhaps the most famous architectural icon throughout the world. We are proud to be on its way to renewable energy was chosen our technology. When visitors from around the world will see the windmills, we will take another step towards peace, use a clean and renewable energy ».
Organization of SETE, serving landmark, plans to spend about € 30 million to reduce energy consumption tower by 25%. This is part of an overall стратегии Development of Paris , aimed at increasing the use of "green" energy and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to the tower turbines will be installed solar panels, the energy of which will be used to heat water. It is also planned to replace all the lights on the LED, and collect rainwater for technical needs.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246390/
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