Satellite NASA, predicting drought, ready to get started
According to environmentalist Lester Brown, the drought will be widespread phenomenon in the near future. At that time, when Lester told the world about this, NASA launched its spacecraft to predict drought. Satellite Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) is designed to measure the levels of soil moisture.
The agency will be able to predict droughts and floods. Now that SMAP launched its antenna, scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the next few days will test hardware to the satellite began his three-year mission. If all goes well, the satellite will be able to photograph areas of the earth's surface for each scan.
Such a project is, and the European Space Agency. Satellite called SMOS, which recently celebrated its fifth birthday, making sure the soil moisture of the earth.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246422/
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