Online store at 1C Bitrix - it's easy, accessible to everyone
Purchases and sales - constant rhythm of the working activities of the consumer market. Innovative technologies implemented global breakthrough - they translated all these processes in the electronic version. Today we do not need to run, stand in line and haul heavy bags. Now purchases are made quickly and easily. Understand this and implementers. Due to what, more current can be seen not only the outlets, but also those who seek their content to earn a living. It is, meanwhile, not only very thoughtful, but also really realistic. In particular, 1C "Shop Online" Bitrix - a software package of content that can be implemented independently, and their resources easily to achieve its objective.
What is rich?
Software products are useful in that they allow the modern consumer rationally direct their financial flows, not to overpay, but to make a small contribution to the future development of their point. "Online Store" on 1C Bitrix offers a standard set of parameters that are necessary to start direct sales process. In its composition can be found here:
- basket of goods;
- step instructions for ordering;
- adaptive design;
- keeping goods (paying attention to the barcode);
- mobile administration;
- integration with 1C, Yandex, Google, and customer management system - CRM;
- Templates SEO;
- the sale of digital content;
- automatic backup function "Inspector site" (important for cloud products);
- the internal accounts of all customers;
- support of affiliate networks; < ready reports;
- generally accepted accounting units;
- SKU - the generator of all trade proposals;
- the designer discounts, promotions, gifts; < /
What should be taken into account to choose the right?
Today, experts are ready to offer the customer several options of ready packages to 1C Bitrix online stores. As a rule, we are talking about three versions:
- a platform for the development;
- model from the series "Marketpleysa»;
- with the possibility of a universal quality of the adaptive design. product edition , which can be represented as a "small business" and "business". The popularity and demand for 1C "Online Store" Bitrix now just rolls over. Today it is known for more than 20 000 000 different web-portals that have been created using this software. This fact only confirms once again the credibility and reliability of the product.