The place where the Harvard University keeps millions of books

In large universities almost always have a very voluminous library, which holds hundreds of thousands of books. There is such a library, and at Harvard: Widener (Widener) is considered the flagship library, which can be an example for many other libraries in the world. Here and own treasure - "Bible", printed by Gutenberg. But in fact, the heart of the "book of" Harvard is the repository.
Harvard repository located about 40 kilometers from the campus, and it seems more at склад Amazon , than the library. The total area of the premises, which holds more than 9 million books, films, videos - more than 18 thousand square meters.
// player.vimeo.com/video/96124198 video>
Storage is built for machines and automation systems, and not to men. When the book arrives, it is measured and indicated by a colored sticker. Then, the book is placed in a special box of a certain size, added barcode and placed on the shelf.

At constant temperature storage for fluorescent lamps UV filter costs, and the temperature is always constant at 10 degrees Celsius.

Every action of the employee store fixed thanks to laser scanners. Moving the person to store usually obeys a particular algorithm, which is used for placement of books and other library objects.
It is worth noting that a couple of decades ago, it was enough to place your order, click on the button, and after a couple of days it was possible to wait to order the book. Who ordered the book is scanned and sent to the teacher or student e-mail in a PDF-file. Important role in the delivery of the book, an electronic copy, now plays a man. But it is possible that even after some time everything will be fully automated.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/245606/
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