New radar intelligence agencies can monitor the movement inside the house

A number of US law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and the service маршалов US , two years used radars Range-R , for determining the movement through the wall - for example, inside the house. The fact that these devices can be used without a court order, and their use is carefully concealed, caused a wave of public anger. On the use of special forces units стало known only in December.
The device, which costs $ 6,000, can not, as in Hollywood films, "see" through walls and show a picture of what is happening inside. It's just a radar-based emission and reception of reflected radio waves, which shows the presence of moving objects inside the room and the distance to them. Radar is able to allocate people in the building even on their breathing and works up to 25 meters.

The US Supreme Court in 2001. More explicitly prohibited the use of any kind whatsoever sensors and devices for "peeking" into the house without first obtaining a search warrant. In states where the idea of "my house - my castle" is implemented in practice, people resent such a possible invasion of privacy. On the case of this device became known in December, when the court was released information about scanning the house of the suspect, who violated the terms of parole.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244610/