European company offers a cardboard house constructors for cats

The company successfully produces disposable cat litter made of cardboard PoopyCat , decided to расширить its range . So there was collecting cardboard playhouse for pets. On Kickstarter successfully completed their кампания to raise money on a project called Blocks, which exceeded expectations by almost 5 times - 23.8 thousand euros instead of 5.5 million.

Happy owners furry animals know how to love those cardboard boxes. Easy to find photos that cat sits in a box from under the purchased playhouses, instead of a house master himself. A cardboard houses and cheap and disposable, and even completely harmless.

Basic set for 40 euros (not including shipping) is composed of two "bars", two pipes, tunnels, bridges and connectors. The creators claim that despite the cardboard-house turns out very strong. With multiple ways to mount parts together the final version of the lodge is limited only by your imagination. A few of the sets you can build an entire fortress that will certainly fun for the whole family.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/244546/
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