Washington Public Library will teach users to move away from NSA wiretapping

Inside the library. Image: Elvert Barnes / Flickr i>
As part of the ten-day program with a menacing name « America Orwell » Washington Public Library will eliminate illiteracy visitors in information security - including the use of the train Tor . In fact, the library will educate users get bugged by agencies such as NSA. This is described in ресурс Motherboard .
It is noteworthy that the recognition of Catherine Jesse, program manager, "we understand that this topic is controversial, and we try to make the program more balanced as possible. We got in touch with various federal agencies, including the NSA, and most of them simply did not respond to us. " It seems that the NSA or does not consider this program threatening its existence, or employed more serious problems.
The program will open demonstration of documentary The Internet's Own Boy , to talk about Aaron Schwartz , Internet activist and IT-visionary, committed suicide after being in July 2011 against Schwartz was initiated prosecution for download millions of documents from the online library JSTOR and is expected to accommodate them in the public domain . Also in the program will be shown other documentaries - in particular, the film United States of Secrets , loosely based on documents leaked thanks Snowden.
Users tell about the foundations of security on the Internet, about two-factor authentication, and the contradictions that arise at the intersection of state agencies of surveillance and security and privacy of people.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244378/