Google suspends production of glasses Google Glass
Google has announced to stop the production of experimental technology Google Glass - glasses equipped with a transparent display and kameroy.Prichinoy this decision was a question of price, as well as the protection of personal data polzovateley.Beta version of Google Glass appeared on store shelves in the US in May, its value amounted to fifteen hundred dollarov.
For the first time the device Google Glass, showing the contents of the Internet on the glasses, was presented during the presentation of the company in 2012 godu.Ustroystvo can be used for photography and video recording, as well as to send the captured material via e-mail and social networking. When controlling device uses voice commands.
Among other features of the device called the possibility of video chat (like Skype) and obtain the necessary information, such as weather or indications marshruta.
All information appears on a small transparent screen, built-in ochki.V companies argue that it is only a temporary halt the project, but the release date is the enhanced version has not been determined.
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