Berth tired ships
Modern trade ships are built with large safety margin and operated for several decades, as long as their repair becomes unprofitable. After the cancellation of more than 90% of ocean container turns off the coast of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia, where labor is cheap deals to disposal.
Shipbreaking takes place directly on the shoreline, and the basic tools of local employees are a hammer and a gas burner. All that can be removed manually removed on the spot and sent to be recycled, the rest of the ship is rust in the water. In recent years, environmental organizations are trying to disable the ship graveyard, so with this method of recycling the water gets a large amount of harmful substances.
Shipbreaking takes place directly on the shoreline, and the basic tools of local employees are a hammer and a gas burner. All that can be removed manually removed on the spot and sent to be recycled, the rest of the ship is rust in the water. In recent years, environmental organizations are trying to disable the ship graveyard, so with this method of recycling the water gets a large amount of harmful substances.