Telepresence robots in the California store sell themselves

Post showmanship in the sale, as they say, it's almost high art, not every vendor can demonstrate all the advantages of the goods to the potential buyer. But why not charge the product to market themselves on their own? It was so decided to store owners in California telepresence robots. And it looks like it has paid off.
So, in a shop «Beam» Palo Alto, robots, robots sell themselves - people in the store no. Buyers go to the store, see the robots, and those already privestvtuyut visitors voice their owners. Yes, because it's telepresence robots, the sellers decided to work remotely to work and it was more convenient, and the buyer immediately understood what is the benefit of the device. Except the robots in the store and other goods sold again the same, using remote sellers and their mechanical helpers.
system Beam Remote Presence System height of five feet is able to move on wheelbase and comes together charging station. This station is used when the robot operates.
Furthermore, the device is equipped with 17-dyumovym display. Control system can use the keyboard, mouse or controller Xbox. The robot is able to move at a speed of about 3, 5 kilometers per hour.
Sellers, whose faces you see in the picture anonsnoy work with customers remotely from your desk for your laptop. A two wide-angle cameras mounted on the robot allows the seller to see everything that goes on in the store. By the way, using similar technology Edward Snowden spoke with journalists and ordinary listeners.
As for the price, it is quite high. The cost of the system is about 20 thousand US dollars, and the robot weighs more than 40 pounds. This weight is, in fact, a defense mechanism: the average thief simply not able to easily transfer such a machine. In addition, there are other security features, including GPS-module and tracking software.
Robots of this type are designed to work in corporate boardrooms, to speak the remote participants. It is noteworthy that will soon be a cheaper model: Beam + 1995 US dollars.
Via ieee
Source: geektimes.ru/post/243069/