Created the concept of the elevator maglev
Engineers ThyssenKrupp, one of the largest industrial concerns in Germany, showed its new development codenamed Multi - elevator maglev, which can move in both the horizontal and vertical directions and does not require for its work ligaments ropes. The principle of movement based on the known effects of magnetic levitation (maglev), which is used for magnetic levitation train, or magnitoplanov.
Traditional elevator moves in the shaft in a vertical plane of the building, held by steel cables - for this reason, the simultaneous movement of several cabins impossible. ThyssenKrupp engineers offer a different approach - each cabin is equipped with a new lift motors for movement in the horizontal and vertical directions, allowing them to move independently of each other, guided only by a scheme. This reduces waiting times of 30 seconds (depending on the building).
An additional benefit Multi, in addition to the possibility of new architectural solutions, is that the elevator shaft maglev requires a quarter less space than conventional elevators, thus increasing the usable area of the building. Besides, due to the application of light materials cabin Multi weight to 50% less.
The question of the speed and security of its design engineers did not elaborate, but still it would be appropriate to recall number of incidents when speed elevators broke through the roof of the building, causing serious injury to the passengers.
How does the concept testing is going to start in 2016, we can see in the video below:
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242150/
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