Large Hadron Collider run again

November 23, the first test run of the protons on our favorite LHC, which is revealed to us the Higgs boson, and then went to the well-deserved vacation. Now it is run again.
Particle beams are directed from the Super Proton Synchrotron (preaccelerator LHC) at the direction of two injectors and stopped directly in front of the accelerator, сообщается Online CERN .
To stop using the beams 21, 6 ton piles graphite, aluminum and copper. Generated by the collision of particles (mainly muons), in turn, is used to calibrate the time in neighboring experimental units ALICE and LHCb (detectors beams give the exact timing of the collision, so that the time is synchronized to a single time LHC).
Although real physical experiments will not begin until 2015, but the group management LHC conducted tests to verify their control systems, instrumentation collider direction of transmission lines, to produce the first optical measurements and note possible "bottlenecks" in the beam path.
The illustration shows the cross-section of the beam at the injection lines T12 (left) and T18 (right).

The next test run of LHC has already held in the big ring and is scheduled for February 2015.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/242084/
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