What should be the cable products for this type of transport as rolling stock?
Virtually all large trucks that runs on electricity, such as for example rolling stock, trolleybuses, trams and so on, impose special requirements on the system and the quality of the wires. In other words, http://www.ru.all.biz/provoda-dlya-podvizhnogo-sostava-bgg1045218, should be of special quality, since such transport is mainly the transport of passengers and the safety of people always come first.
There is an increased load on the electrical network caused by the special structural specificity of this type of transport, further tightening requirements to use wires. That is, there have always been used, and are now being used special types of cables that meet the highest possible standards for fire safety as well as on the reduction of the rate of gas formation, the smoke, and such products do not contribute to the spread of burning and so on. In addition, all of the cable for this type of transport are designed to maximize both operational and economic efficiency of transport.