Eco charging eTree
The problem of charging the battery of your gadget, you may have a sudden. For such cases come in handy unique development called eTree, simulating tree and invites all who wish to charge the battery of the gadget and get the Internet via Wi-Fi.
Development is owned Israeli company Sologic. eTree really very similar to a tree. He has a trunk and branches brown. But the crown form a solar panel. They invite all who wish to relax on a bench, charging gadget and Internet access via Wi-Fi. Charging is carried out with the help of USB-ports. In addition, eTree also performs the function in the dark street lamp. The first such facility is already installed in one of Israel's parks.
Development is owned Israeli company Sologic. eTree really very similar to a tree. He has a trunk and branches brown. But the crown form a solar panel. They invite all who wish to relax on a bench, charging gadget and Internet access via Wi-Fi. Charging is carried out with the help of USB-ports. In addition, eTree also performs the function in the dark street lamp. The first such facility is already installed in one of Israel's parks.