Like sleeping cat: Interesting Facts
Sometimes it seems that the cat sleeps all the time. From the bowl a bit to eat, then to play - and on the side ...
9 photos.
Cute pet resting and in fact many. A cat's body during sleep - which poses it only takes no ?! And some unusual places selects cat for your stay ?!
Proved that she was asleep in the night more than 16 hours. This holiday can be minute and half awake and asleep. No one knows the reason for such a long sleep this mammal.
Probably many have seen as a cat in a dream touches paws like rushing somewhere, wiggles his ears, whiskers twitch and emits different sounds. It seems that the dream of an animal is strong, but only touch the cat - the reaction will follow immediately.
Like sleeping cat? Most often they can be seen sleeping in the position of a semicircle.
But cats can sit on his stomach on foot ...
... Or lie down, as if sunbathing, tum up and pulling the foot.
You can catch them sleeping in different places, sometimes unexpected to the person: in pots and boxes on a computer monitor, on a clothes dryer and so on.
Favorite same place, no doubt, my knees host / hostess, nooks chairs / sofas / beds. Cat certainly, before lying down, several times primnet his "B" legs, creating a small but cozy recess.
9 photos.
Cute pet resting and in fact many. A cat's body during sleep - which poses it only takes no ?! And some unusual places selects cat for your stay ?!
Proved that she was asleep in the night more than 16 hours. This holiday can be minute and half awake and asleep. No one knows the reason for such a long sleep this mammal.
Probably many have seen as a cat in a dream touches paws like rushing somewhere, wiggles his ears, whiskers twitch and emits different sounds. It seems that the dream of an animal is strong, but only touch the cat - the reaction will follow immediately.
Like sleeping cat? Most often they can be seen sleeping in the position of a semicircle.
But cats can sit on his stomach on foot ...
... Or lie down, as if sunbathing, tum up and pulling the foot.
You can catch them sleeping in different places, sometimes unexpected to the person: in pots and boxes on a computer monitor, on a clothes dryer and so on.
Favorite same place, no doubt, my knees host / hostess, nooks chairs / sofas / beds. Cat certainly, before lying down, several times primnet his "B" legs, creating a small but cozy recess.