For the installation of the "left" programs Volgograd threatens
For the installation of the "Left" programs Volgograd faces real term and a fine of 3 million rubles
On the eve of Volgograd investigators found a violation of copyright to damage on a large scale. In sight of the guardians of the law was a 23-year-old resident of Volgograd region Traktorozavodskiy.
Some time ago, a guy posted an ad on the Internet for services programmer. For a decent fee he found unlicensed software on personal computer 4. Experts have estimated the damage caused by his actions, the legal owner of the company in more than 3 million rubles.
- For violations of copyright and related rights on a large scale procedural decision. Sanction this Article provides for punishment of imprisonment for up to 6 years plus a fine in the amount of damage - reported in the field of Research Affairs.
On the eve of Volgograd investigators found a violation of copyright to damage on a large scale. In sight of the guardians of the law was a 23-year-old resident of Volgograd region Traktorozavodskiy.
Some time ago, a guy posted an ad on the Internet for services programmer. For a decent fee he found unlicensed software on personal computer 4. Experts have estimated the damage caused by his actions, the legal owner of the company in more than 3 million rubles.
- For violations of copyright and related rights on a large scale procedural decision. Sanction this Article provides for punishment of imprisonment for up to 6 years plus a fine in the amount of damage - reported in the field of Research Affairs.