Belarusian assembled the largest collection of Siemens

Remember how you had the first telephone. Siemens I do not it? Alexander (QbsA Offline Onliner.by) from Grodno met Mark when only attached to the world of mobile communications. However, among many Belarusians it is "infected" by the German brand so that gathered an impressive collection of mobile phones from Siemens and still use the phone only to the brand. All the rest - a parody of the phones.

"My first phone was Siemens. And second, too, Siemens. Five years ago, I saw on the "Flea Market" Onliner.by model SX1, which always dreamed about. I bought it, then M55, then another. And away we go, "- says the collector. "Tricked out" at the time SX1 smartphone still looks as if he just removed from shop windows. Famous Siemens M55 to the control unit, like a pig's snout, the apartment now several Grodno.

Siemens M55

Now Alexander graduated from the University of Brest. Less than a year will be a Chartered Engineer of roads. Home visits once a month to see my mom and family. And at the same time to sort out his collection, hold in their hands rare model, unpack boxes, which still look as good as new, so fill up shelf rarity "novelty."

On the table - tea, freshly baked cookies Alexander mom, homemade pizzas and constant entertainment of any Belarusian hostess - Charlotte. Young collectors, however, at this moment gastronomic abundance of little interest, because it is necessary to so many interesting things to talk about their hobby.
Functional "monster", the last "real German» Siemens SXG75 with a portable audio

Serial Siemens SXG75 prototype. Find the 10 differences

"I know collectors Siemens phones in Belarus. In Russia and Ukraine there are several. I think in the CIS I enter the top five fans of the brand "- a little embarrassed, says Alexander.
His collection consists of about 80 items. Some still travel from other countries, there are multiple instances of recovery. On the prototypes have to more than half of the collection, the rest - the representatives of the serial model or limited edition.

For example, this one red Siemens SK65 was released in honor of the Italian race. Whole world saw the 600 instances in the past five years, sales were only two of them. One phone, Alexander was able to buy out for $ 200.
Siemens SK65

Almost all of the Soup are in working order, each sticking "Simca" from life :). No one copy we are not found - all original. Many models even bundled up in the film, and can boast a rich bundle. "Basically I take only phone in it's entirety. Ah, if they had such "- a dreamy sigh hero of our story.

.Vzyat, For example, that the "harvester» - Siemens SX45. In the box on the PDA with 3, 5-inch resistive screen fit several dozen iPhone 6. In fact, in her pile of documents, several kinds of cables, headset and memory card Compact Flash, today its dimensions is more like a phone battery.
Siemens SX45

The first sensory apparatus of the German manufacturer can boast of powerful 64-bit (!) 150-megahertz processor, a stylus, GPS module and the operating system Windows CE 3.0. The real miracle of 2002! Curiously, the device has support for GSM, but there is no microphone, so you can talk on the devaysu only using a headset.

In a perfect state of preservation, not all phones. Some rare specimens caught without cover or the front panel. The missing elements have to look on the Internet. According to Alexander, the Chinese spare parts at his home is not a place to buy only original. If you do not have the necessary elements, we have to use the services of artists who for ten years engaged in restoration of old phones.
"None of 3D-printers! Made with the help of their details are not related to the original device "- categorical Alexander.

Many significant for the entire mobile industry, the machine does not need any recovery, and so they look great. For example, here is the Siemens SL10 - the world's first slider 15 years of age.
Siemens SL10

Siemens S10

More old phone - S10. Also the first in the world. Using this model, Siemens entered into history as the first company, which released a mobile phone with a color display. The collection of Alexander several modifications of this landmark for the phone industry, including protected version. One and all intended for use in the BMW for the speakerphone.

"Placer» Siemens S6 and S10

One of the most unusual models - Adaptive phone CX70 Emoty. The device came out 10 years ago and has been focused on "an emotional young." The unit is equipped with pressure sensors, vibration and shock, which allow the device to determine the emotional state of the owner.
Siemens CX70 Emoty

In accordance with this act embedded in the firmware animated characters - sad, happy, angry, and so on. D. The correct "mood" of the ward can be selected using the buttons. Virtual characters remind you about important events, new SMS, upcoming birthdays. Unusual and funny, but sales Emoty went from bad to worse. Model only hastened the sad fate of Siemens.

- What are looking for models for his collection?
- Same "Flea Market» Onliner.by, on Allegro, a lot of exclusives comes on eBay. All the necessary pages are always open and updated, so as not to miss the "novelty." In addition, there are communities on Facebook and "VKontakte", where you can share models.

At first it seems that Alexander lot of the same models. If you look closely, you will find that identical phones do not have, but there is a lot of prototypes. Remember incredibly stylish and "buggy" clamshell BenQ-Siemens EF81? The collection was found grandparent, never appear for sale, - Siemens SLV140. In the production model is slightly different treatment of the metal plate and gray instead of black screen bezel.
BenQ-Siemens EF81 and Siemens SLV140

Slider BenQ-Siemens SL91 does not have time to get to mass production, and those items that were on sale, worth big money. If not for the thickness, model, and today could be the object of adoration is not spoiled for "iPhone" the fair sex.
BenQ-Siemens SL91

- Mom does not scold that spending money on some "old"? Do not sell the collection were thinking?
- My mother supports me well, he says he found himself liking hobby. The sale did not even care. Collecting brings me pleasure. Sorry, but hardly will gather everything that makes Siemens. There are models in quantities of 10 pieces. All of them are already in someone's collections, some may ask for $ 10 thousand. This, of course, very heavy sum.

Siemens SL65 Escada

However, the lack of rarities and Alexander. Such Siemens SL65 Escada, for example, was released a few thousand copies. Equally rare S65 VW Golf GTI Limited Edition. Phone launched in collaboration with the famous automaker and is made in the colors of Golf GTI. The front part of the body is covered with a thin layer of chromium, rear panel lacquered in memory - pictures, screensavers, pictures, and sounds in the style of "charged" hatchback from VW.
Siemens S65 VW Golf GTI Limited Edition

.Siemens M65 Rescue Edition is the first mobile phone designed specifically for firefighters. And without a strong bright red body devaysa reinforced metal plate, as a call can put the sound of sirens. Alexander himself also uses the model M65, only normal, not Rescue Edition.
Plain and Siemens M65 Rescue Edition

Fifteen years ago it seemed that just about - and the banner of technological leader finally goes to the Germans. The world's first slider, the world's first phone with a color screen, the world's first mobile device with an MP3-player and support for memory cards MultiMediaCard. Siemens has largely been "first in the world." The failure came quickly and unexpectedly for many. Suddenly favorite brand was not.
Phone dream phone Breakthrough Siemens SL45i

For a long time, Siemens phones remain the standard of quality and dream tehnogika. For Alexander of Grodno and now they are a perfect example of how to be a real phone.