Human teeth, unfortunately, do not grow as a shark, as many times as necessary,

Human teeth, unfortunately, do not grow as a shark, as many times as necessary. After opening the biocompatibility of titanium with human bone tissue implantation has been widely developed in the world. This is a high-tech way to solve the problem of the loss of molar teeth beautiful and functional.
Modern dentists consider dental implants a good alternative to bridges and removable dentures. By means of the implantation of titanium artificial root can be restored as a single lost tooth or several, not podpilivaya with adjacent healthy teeth. Attach to the implant crowns, which may be plastic (temporary) or ceramic, metal-ceramic, zirconia.
In dentistry practice two techniques of dental implants installation. Classical or two-stage involves the installation of a titanium root first, and after the full implementation and the healing abutment is attached to it and a crown. In recent years, more rapid spreading stage method, when all the necessary procedures carried out in one step.
Since implantation - a small, but surgery should be carefully chosen clinic before seeking to explore the services offered, prices and reviews astradent.com.ua/services/implantatsiya-zubov/, and choose a doctor you trust. The success of the event depends on the skill of dentists, conditions and materials used.
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