Master of Disguise
Chewbacca ("Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - Peter Mayhew (Peter Mayhew)
Darth Vader ("Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - David Prowse (David Prowse)
3PO («Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - Anthony Daniels (Anthony Daniels)
Samara Morgan ("The Ring", 2002) - Dave Chase (Daveigh Chase)
Michael Dorsey, aka Dorothy Michaels ("Tootsie", 1982) - Dustin Hoffman (Dustin Hoffman)
Edna Ternblad ("Hairspray", 2007) - John Travolta (John Travolta)
Highways, and as Mr. Wong ("Norbit", 2007) - Eddie Murphy (Eddie Murphy)
Rosemary ("Shallow Hal", 2001) - Gwyneth Paltrow (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Witch ("Snow White - scary story", 1997) - Sigourney Weaver (Sigourney Weaver)
Diva Plavalaguna ("The Fifth Element", 1997) - Maiwenn Le Besco (Maïwenn Le Besco)
Dr. Evil ("Austin Powers", 1997) - Mike Myers (Mike Myers), aka Austin Powers
Wicket W. Warrick («Star Wars" 1983) Leprechaun ("Leprechaun" 1993) - Warwick Davis (Warwick Davis)
Nikabrik («The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian," 2008), Professor Flitwick and several goblins Potteriane - Warwick Davis (Warwick Davis)
Grinch ("Grinch - Stole Christmas", 2000) - Jim Carrey (Jim Carrey)
Neytiri ("Avatar", 2009) - Zoe Saldana (Zoe Saldana)
Baba Yaga ("Frost", 1964) - George Millyar

Darth Vader ("Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - David Prowse (David Prowse)

3PO («Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - Anthony Daniels (Anthony Daniels)

Samara Morgan ("The Ring", 2002) - Dave Chase (Daveigh Chase)

Michael Dorsey, aka Dorothy Michaels ("Tootsie", 1982) - Dustin Hoffman (Dustin Hoffman)

Edna Ternblad ("Hairspray", 2007) - John Travolta (John Travolta)

Highways, and as Mr. Wong ("Norbit", 2007) - Eddie Murphy (Eddie Murphy)
Rosemary ("Shallow Hal", 2001) - Gwyneth Paltrow (Gwyneth Paltrow)

Witch ("Snow White - scary story", 1997) - Sigourney Weaver (Sigourney Weaver)

Diva Plavalaguna ("The Fifth Element", 1997) - Maiwenn Le Besco (Maïwenn Le Besco)

Dr. Evil ("Austin Powers", 1997) - Mike Myers (Mike Myers), aka Austin Powers

Wicket W. Warrick («Star Wars" 1983) Leprechaun ("Leprechaun" 1993) - Warwick Davis (Warwick Davis)

Nikabrik («The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian," 2008), Professor Flitwick and several goblins Potteriane - Warwick Davis (Warwick Davis)

Grinch ("Grinch - Stole Christmas", 2000) - Jim Carrey (Jim Carrey)

Neytiri ("Avatar", 2009) - Zoe Saldana (Zoe Saldana)

Baba Yaga ("Frost", 1964) - George Millyar